The rigid creature created a massive looming shadow that could have easily matched that of a small mountain and being near it made Waverly want to bolt but she stood as one whose ankles were fettered by poisoned teeth.

"I ask that you release Tumut." She completed.

The waters suddenly stilled.

This occured for only a moment because the next was followed by sequential claps and roars of mighty thunder, heart stopping lightning and darkened clouds. An enraged current of wind rolled over the atmosphere. Time seemed to reverse as darkness fell over the realm. The ocean broke into its own rage and began to swirl in every direction, waves crashing against waves so that a spray of water rose into the air and flattened against the surface again.

Waverly whistled for Chestnut and he came bounding toward her. He flew her away from the island - though with much struggle - to a high hill in a line of hills that jutted out of the ocean, overlooking it and a quarter of the Oasis.

There, she opted to stand and watch.

Tumut came quickly.

He was a big and muscly form and he descended from the clouds rather than out of the water as Waverly had initially thought he would.

She had never beheld his full form save his mighty hands that were literal clouds. The rest of him was also shrouded in dark clouds infused with terrifying lightning. The picturesque image imitated the form of a manly silhouette that moved around behind a translucent, fluffy curtain only that no man could be seen beyond the obscure wall of grey fog.

Tumut began to lift the ocean while he stood under it, his hands raised as he bore the weight of the raging blue water. His mouth opened in a terrible roar and he lunged forward. The unmitigated force of the sea first collided with the Slumber Serpent, sending the creature back into the depths. The raging storm rolled over the Oasis, burying the dark army as it moved onward.

Waverly sincerely prayed that no nixies were caught in the waves even though Tumut would not harm them as it was his one obligation to respect every sea creature and bring them no harm.

The ocean raged for a long time. It was quite a dreadful thing to watch the ocean blow a fuse, wiping out every last creature of the dark army until there was nothing left.

At last, the waters calmed. The clouds brightened and the sun torched the blue sky with beautiful lurid beams. Waverly took a step forward staring with tear-filled eyes at the peaceful landscape.

"At last." She muttered and threw her arms around Chestnut in a hug. "It's over."

She watched the horizon for a long time, unable to peel her gaze from the beauty before her. It was magnificent how despite all the ruin and damage, the realm could still endure. It still looked as serene and as lovely as before.

After a long time, Waverly began to spot heads coming out of the water. A smile broke across her face as nixies carefully surfaced and stared about in wonder. When they were sure that their home was completely deserted and free of intruders, they swam to their various shells many of which had already been crushed to powder by the weight of the Slumber Serpent.

Waverly watched them resettle, talking in chitters and English. They moved in large numbers, occasionally going off to find broken shell parts or totally new ones. As she watched them rebuild, Waverly suddenly remembered everyone else. She hurriedly got onto Chestnut and he took her back to the city.

When they approached Nael, she noticed a massive gathering just past the bridge. Uniforms of all styles and color dotted the ground and when she peered closer, her heart did a double flip - Judson was being handcuffed whilst on his knees, surrounded by the sharp end of spears and bows.

The Night's Curse #3 (Waverly Stump and The 7 Realms)Where stories live. Discover now