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"Han Jisung! Stop your pouting and come here!" I yelled, making the boy whine but still comply.

"I, I just don't want to do this." He replied, looking like he'll faint as he stood next to me. "Where's Yeonjun Hyung? Shouldn't he be doing this for you?"

"He's not here right now. You're the only one available." I explained, crying as the pain got worse. "I'll kill him when he gets here!"

"Good evening! It's a pleasure to see a happy couple." The doctor came into the room, earning a glare from me and an awaked chuckle from Jisung.

"Oh, I'm her brother. Her husband is on the way." He quickly said, just in time for me to start screaming again.

"Ah, not a problem. I apologize for assuming. Let's get this baby delivered, hmm?" The doctor replied, laughing as I cried out in pain again.

After twenty hours, I was able to give birth to a healthy little boy. I rested in my recovery room, being visited by all my friends as they congratulated me.

Kai and Kyungsoo became protective little uncles, fighting with each other over which one would hold the baby first. But we all knew that Baekhyun would be the favorite uncle as he played with the child and earned laughter from its tiny body.

Jisung and Felix were also fighting over who would care for the boy, which made Chan and Minho laugh. The latter two, though, promised to make sure that nothing bad would happen to him.

Soobin and Taehyun were so excited when they saw him, vowing to be the best uncles he could ever have. Beomgyu, though, told me he'd be the best babysitter since he loves kids the most out of the gang.

When Yeonjun was finally able to come in, after fighting his way through all of the promised uncles, he let out an exhausted sigh as he sat next to me.

"Took you long enough," I said, punching his arm and making him wince.

"It wasn't my fault I had to fight like twenty guys to get in here. Blame yourself for having so many friends." He replied, laughing as I pouted. "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I wasn't in town on the day my wife was due to give birth. Please forgive me, my queen."

"Your sarcasm is not appreciated," I said, but still kissed him nonetheless. "I forgive you because it was for work that you were gone."

"Did you finally decide on a name?" He asked, wrapping the baby up in a warm blanket as the snow began to fall outside.

"Choi Iseul," I answered, earning a smile and a nod from Yeonjun.

"It's perfect. It was quite a wet day today before the snow began." He replied, settling in next to me again.

We sat and just stared softly at our son as he slept, smiling with pride when we glanced at one another. A gentle kiss on my forehead, and I soon fell asleep as well, a long day coming to an end.


This ends the story "When Worlds Collide"! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. I realized I didn't make sure that Jisung and Minji had a strong relationship even at the end of the book, so I wanted to add this little bit to show that they're still good friends and made up for their arguments quickly.

I also made sure to show that she had good relationships with everyone she met! In this little epilogue, she's no longer twenty-one and a little fearful. She's a healthy and happy twenty-five-year-old woman who's giving birth to her first son and has plenty of support around her to keep her strong.

Let me know if you liked the story and would like more in the future! I'm always trying my best to write good stories for all to enjoy, and always striving for each book to be better than my last. Feel free to give me any corrections as well so as to improve myself! Thank you in advance!!

I know I'm not always a frequent person on any apps, but I always look forward to opening this app and seeing a couple of notifications, so I welcome you to comment, vote, or even add it to your reading list! Of course, I'd never force anyone, but a little sunshine for my world is always appreciated.

Thank you for your support, feel free to check out my other books!


XOXO (caligo_mortala)

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