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"Girls! It's time to get up!" I stirred from my sleep as my mother screamed down the hall.

Stretching after I sat up, I groaned a little before opening my eyes. It was a brand new day, but I was still sore from the concert last night.

"Unnie, let's go eat!" I whined as Minjung grabbed my arm and pulled me out of bed.

I got dressed and then followed her to the kitchen, where our parents were waiting for us. I felt a little saddened that our older brother wasn't here, but I knew it was because he had a hard time leaving the dorm.

"You did well last night, Minji." My father stated, putting down his newspaper to look at us. "I don't get why you don't want to be an idol like your brother. You've got the skills and the looks."

"I just-"

"It's just because she doesn't want to diet. You saw how Oppa lost so much weight! Unnie doesn't want to be a twig." I turned to Minjung in surprise, her words taking my breath away.

"Are you calling me a pig?" I asked, making her blush from embarrassment.

"No, of course not, I-"

"I'll kill you now. It's not too late to." I cut her words off, only refraining from beating her because our parents glared at the two of us. "I don't want to be an idol because it takes up so much time. I'd like to have the freedom to still visit the mountains after a busy week."

"That sounds reasonable, doesn't it sweetheart?" My mother said, turning to her husband, who nodded and then looked at Minjung.

"And you? What's your excuse to not follow your brother into fame?" He asked, making her chuckle a little.

"It'll look like I either used my connection to him or Channie Oppa to get a job as an idol. I'd rather just stay as a backup dancer if it means I can be close to them still." She explained, smiling as she thought of her boyfriend.

"We can make sure that it wouldn't appear that way. It's not that hard, darling." He replied, and her head perked up a little. She smiled for a moment but then sunk back in her seat again.

"If I become an idol as well, then I won't have any time for Channie Oppa." She said, making me chuckle. "Don't make fun of me! You're just jealous that I got a boyfriend before you."

"If that was the case, then I'd be a lot meaner to you. I'm merely being a sibling, not a jealous person." I told her, rolling my eyes as I cleaned up my meal. "I have a few appointments today, so I'll be leaving now to go meet with the groups."

"Have fun." Everyone simultaneously said, making us all laugh as I walked out the door.

No one knew it wouldn't be with anyone in our company. Nobody knew that, as a simple backup dancer, I could go to any company and still get a paycheck at the end of the day. It was my way of getting paid even when the groups in our company didn't require me that week.

As I stood in front of the building, I was suddenly shaking with fear. I'd never worked with this company before, so I wasn't sure why they wanted me. They also didn't have any girl groups, to my knowledge, and I rarely worked with boy groups just because fans disliked the way we moved together.

"Miss Lee Minji?" I snapped my head in the direction of the voice, greeting a young woman dressed as a secretary. "I'm so happy you're here! I was just about to call and ask when you'd arrive."

"Ah, yes, sorry. I got here as soon as I could, I was just distracted by the building. It's so big!" I answered, making her chuckle a little.

"Not a problem, Miss. We all did that as well when we first moved here." She replied, sighing happily as she remembered that day. "If you'll come this way, the managers are waiting in the office to go over our contract and get you settled with our groups as well."

I followed her around the building, getting introduced here and there as a new dancer. When we arrived at the meeting room, I suddenly felt very nervous again. My palms were sweaty, but I did my best to stay calm as the doors opened.

"Hello. I'm Lee Minji. It's a pleasure to meet you all." I said, bowing in greeting as everyone smiled happily.

"You're related to Minho, right? It was so much fun working with him." Hoseok asked, earning a nod as I smiled. "It's fun to meet him as an idol now, though. I look forward to working with you!"

The other members nodded in agreement, which made me happy. I felt proud to be recognized by such a large group as someone with talent.

"The other members weren't able to come in to greet you, but I'm sure they'll be happy to work alongside you. You've got a good set of skills." Soobin added, making my smile wider. "Why don't you want to be an idol? Why just stop at a backup dancer?"

"I enjoy my free time, and I know it'll be reduced if I ever stray towards becoming something more," I replied, earning nods of agreement and understanding from all the people present. "I do thank you for this opportunity, though. I look forward to working with you."

After signing the official papers, I again thanked them for the opportunity. And I was officially welcomed into the company as a backup dancer. I'd work with all of the groups whenever they needed me, and I'd still be free to work with other companies.

I made my way out after making my formal goodbyes, but I made sure to stop at the coffee shop nearby to grab something to eat before heading to my next stop. As I opened the door, though, I was rammed by another customer and we both fell to the floor.

I blushed awkwardly as I found myself on top of him after he twisted to take the fall on the cement. Taking notice of his face, I realized I recognized him.

"Choi, Choi Yeonjun?"

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