Be My Mistake | Chapter 26

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Irene saw Jisoo running away with a smiley Jennie behind her. She was confused why the two was together; following them that led her to hiding from being seen. Jisoo was a complete tomato while Jennie had the biggest grin Irene has ever seen.

"You—you're too close... Kim..." Jisoo managed to utter despite of losing breath just because she was nervous, with Jennie staring at her; trapping her between her arms, Jisoo couldn't think straightly and let herself be under Jennie's.

Jennie's lips turns into a smirk. "Calling me Kim now, eh?" Jennie heaves out a sigh, tracing Jisoo's nose until her fingers were placed against Jisoo's lips.

"You're seriously doing this after kissing me? After wanting to be up on me just so you could deepen our kiss? Really?"

Irene's eyes widens at Jennie's words, choking on her own saliva, and quickly hid before Jennie could spot her. She heaves out a sigh and tried to think how could have they possibly kissed when they were ignoring each other so much.

"It... Uhm. Get off me, Kim!"

"Getting shy now, Kim Jisoo? You weren't shy earlier when you were kissing me passionately"

Irene shrugs away all her thoughts. All she wanted was for Jennie to be happy. And if Jisoo will be the reason of her smiles, she should probably give them privacy.

"What do you want, Kim?"

"Kiss me again. I want your lips on mine once again, Jisoo..."

Irene silently chuckles at Jennie's plead and walks away. She didn't want to hear any kissing noises from the two. Deciding to head back to her room, she walked through the hallway with tired walks. Before going downstairs, Irene noticed the door near the stairs open, two figures were seem to be in a fight which made Irene frown.

"Kang Seulgi! What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

Irene was scared to hear Lisa's loud, angry voice boom around the empty hallway and immediately made her way to the door to stop the fight going on between them.

"You wanna know what my problem is?! It's you, Lalisa! You clearly, and know well, why I'm acting like this!" Seulgi shouts back. Irene enters the room making the two girls separate themselves from each other.

"What is wrong with you two? What is this all about?" Irene scolds the two and stood in between them. She saw the two glaring at each other and then Seulgi looks at her.

"You wanna know why, Irene? I'll tell you."

"Kang. You won't tell anything to her." Lisa warns the latter. Irene was confused and pushed the two away, preventing them to pounce on each other.

"Irene Unnie, just leave. I'll handle this jerk." Lisa firmly said which made Seulgi scoff in return, clenching her fist and grabbed on Lisa's collar.

"Stop! You two! What the hell is going on?!"

"Might as well tell Irene so she could give a quick heads up to Jennie. What do you think, Lisa?!" Seulgi angrily utters, pulling Lisa's collar, while Irene froze hearing Jennie's name. "Fucking let me, a jerk as you said, tell Irene what will really happen to Jennie." Seulgi continued.

"What's going on, Seulgi? What do you mean about Jennie? Why in the world your and Lisa's fight has to do anything with Jennie?" Irene questions. Pushing them away, Lisa fixed her collar and continued telling Irene that she should leave and she would handle Seulgi. Irene refused to go and waits for Seulgi.

"Have you ever thought why Jisoo never dated anyone, despite having thousands of people liking her, and wanting to court her?" Seulgi started. Lisa groans in annoyance and harshly grabs Seulgi's collar.

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