Super Hero Senki! We're Heroes! (Special Chapter Canon)

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Sō is running down the halls of an abandoned apartment building. A magic circle appears next to his ear.

Akeno: "It's moved to the 4th floor."

Sō: "I'm on the 3rd floor! I'll meet up with Issei!" Sō reaches the stairs to jump to the 4th floor. The wall of the hall break for him to see Issei in his Scale Mail fighting a stray devil. Sō tackles both them out of the window.

Issei: "Why did you do that!?" The stray devil touches Sō's shoulder.

Sō: "Another Fourze was hard to fight because of the closed space!" Issei kicks the stray devil off him.

Issei: "Get off me!" Sō and Issei use their wings to float to land the ground. The stray devil hits the ground and rolls on it.

Issei: "Makes sense." The magic circle appears on Sō and Issei's ear.

Akeno: "I heard a crash are you two okay?"

Issei: "Yes."

Sō: "Yeah, we're in the court yard."

Akeno: "We'll regroup with you." The magic circle disappears. The stray devil gets up looking at Sō and Issei.

Issei: "Now that we're outside. Let's beat this stray devil into pulp!" Sō takes out his driver and places it on his waist.

Ziku Driver!

He takes out his Zi-O ridewatch to twist the face and pushes the button on top.


Sō slides the ridewatch on his driver. He pushes the button on top his driver to do Sougo's pose. A giant clock appears behind Sō.

Sō: "Henshin!" Sō hits his driver with his left hand to make his driver spin. The giant clock behind him spins with his driver.

Rider Time! Kamen Rider Zi-O!

Magenta katakana appears in the giant clock to fly out. Clear magenta watch straps appear around Sō to swirl around him. The clear magenta watch straps give Sō his rider wear. The magenta katakana fly back to slot in Sō's helmet. The stray devil stands up to look at Sō and Issei.

Stray Devil: "Do you know who I am!?"

Issei: "Like hell we care!"

Sō: "It doesn't matter who you used to be. You're nothing more than a stray devil now."

Stray Devil: "Fools! Im Jackal from the Dark Guild Tartaros and a member of the Nine Devil Gates!" Sō and Issei look at each other then at Jackal

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Stray Devil: "Fools! Im Jackal from the Dark Guild Tartaros and a member of the Nine Devil Gates!" Sō and Issei look at each other then at Jackal.

Sō & Issei: "Who?" Jackal gets anger at Sō and Issei.

Kamen Rider Zi-O X High school DXDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora