Window Cameo #9

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D- And now it's time for the ninth window cameo! He's a well-known Hawaiian singer who gave us his biggest hit Tiny Bubbles. 

S- It's a pleasure to have him on this trivia session. It's Don Ho!

D.H- Aloha, kids. It's good to be here. 

D- Aloha, Don!  Tell us about your appearance in Gotham City.

D.H- Well, I appear in the same episode as your friends Chad and Jeremy. Batman and Robin know who I am and ask me what I am there for.

L- What are you there for?

D.H- To launch my single Tiny Bubbles. And then I suggest to Batman that he introduce Bat-ropes in Hawaii.

S- That'd be fun. 

L- And you liked your appearance?

D.H- Very much, friend Levi. As you've heard, I was one of those other celebrities who wanted to be on the show. So of course I was happy with the compromise.

D- Awesome! And speaking of awesome, there's more to come. Stay tuned, everyone.

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