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L- I'm here with our friend Donna Loren. Hello, Donna.

D.L- Hello, Levi.

L- Would you please tell us about the role you played on Batman?

D.L- Of course. I play a cheerleader, Susie. She's had an unhappy childhood and joins the Joker so she can make it better.

L- It doesn't seem like she knew any better.

D.L- Well, the Joker swindles her into joining him, though she does say she took up crime. And when Batman and Robin win, they send her to the Wayne Foundation for delinquent girls.

L- Okay. Now some ladies out there are probably jealous because you kissed Burt Ward on the cheek.

D.L- Oh dear. 

L- *laughs* What was that like for you?

D.L- Well, I should start with the fact that Adam West was usually the one to kiss me on the cheek  when I came in and out of the studio. But me kissing Burt just makes me feel guilty.

L- Guilty? Why?

D.L- You see, Levi, at the time, Burt was bringing his pregnant wife to the studio, and she always thought that even kissing another girl on the cheek was cheating on her. So when I kissed Burt, she got angry and made it hard to make the marriage work.

L- Crikey...

D.L- Crikey is right. They divorced right after the baby was born. I still regret doing this to them.

L- Poor Burt. Stay tuned, mates.

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