
"We are here baby" Jesy whispered to an asleep Ava. She fell asleep as soon as the car started going and Jesy didn't had the heart to wake her up but now they were finally home 

"Home?" the girl whispered barely opening her eyes "Reggie and Oscar?" she asked making the woman chuckle as she did her best to open the door without having to put the girl down  

"Yes, with Reggie and Oscar" she said smiling at the little grin that appeared on the girl's face "Here they are" she said as she noticed the two little fur balls approaching them loudly "they missed you so much" she said and felt the girl tightening her grip 

"I missed them too" she whispered "I sorry I left" she said making the brunette shook her head, it was not like she could have done anything to stop what happened "I missed mommy too" she whispered making Jesy's chest ache  

There it was again mommy, the first time it was when they were taking Ava away, she thought maybe the girl didn't actually feel that and was only a desperate way of trying to stay with her. Now, however, she had heard her say it more than once and every time she felt her chest explode in emotions 

"I missed you too sweetie" Jesy said having to use all the strength in her to make her voice come out normal "Let's go to sleep now, okay?" she said earning a little nod from the toddler "Would you like to sleep in my room tonight?" she asked already knowing the answer 

"Please?" she asked not wanting to be anywhere else, too scared that if she let go of Jesy, she would wake up and all of this would end up being a dream. 

So, they did, Jesy decided that after tonight Ava needed a warm bubble bath and a new set of clothes. She prepared the bathtub and helped the girl with that. Once she was ready, helped her with her pijamas and set her under the covers. 

After a few minutes Ava was completely out, after tonight she really needed to sleep. For the first time in a while, she didn't wake up at night, she was safe, with her mommy and nothing could happen to her when Jesy was there... she was finally home 

The next morning Jesy was the first one to wake up. Her phone had a lot of messages, but she didn't want to wake up the sleeping toddler next to her yet, so she decided to go answer then in the kitchen. 

She slowly got up, being really careful not to wake up the girl that was peacefully sleeping, grabbed her phone and went straight to the kitchen. Not without giving the girl a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room 

"Good morning" was the first thing Jesy heard through the phone "How was your night?" Kristen asked sounded a little tired but still not losing her cheerful voice 

"It was good actually" she answered remembering the little girl that slept in her room "Should I  ask, how yours went?" she asked knowing Kristen's night wasn't the best 

"Yeah I have had better ones honestly" she said as she let out a sigh "but I'm glad you are both okay" the social worker said "Well, I texted you earlier to tell you Ava's adoption has been cancelled" she commented and Jesy couldn't help but feel a sense of relief run all over her body "I don't think they are the best couple for Ava... and Ava seems to have already chosen" she said "I mean have you considered adopting? I know it's not what your first..."

"I would like to" Jesy quickly cut Kristen off. She had already tasted what a life without Ava would be and she didn't want it. She wanted that little girl to be running around the house all day, to have her playing barbies while she looked at some tv, to come to her when she gets scared... she wanted Ava all the way 

"Yes?" the social worker asked, "That's amazing!" she said excited about this new information "I will take care of the paperwork, you don't have to worry about that" she said "I was thinking that I will give you guys some time, maybe I could drop by tomorrow" Kristen said wanting to give Ava some time at her home with her mom before overwhelming her with questions 

"That sounds great" Jesy answered quickly "Thank you" 

"It's nothing" Kristen said "I have to hang now but I'll keep in touch" she said before she said her final goodbye's and hang up the phone 

After hanging up, Jesy went to prepare something to eat when she heard a few footsteps coming her way

"Mommy..." A little voice said almost as a whisper. When Jesy turned around she found Ava with one of her hand rubbing her eye while the other one held Snowball close to her 

"Morning baba" she said as she kneeled down in front of the girl, who immediately crashed her little body against her "Missed you too" she said standing up with the little girl on her hip "Are you hungry?" she asked smiling when Ava nodded "Yes? What would you like?" she asked 

"Umm... pancakes... and fruit?" she asked finally smiling when Jesy nodded 

"Pancakes and fruit it is then" she said placing the girl on the ground "Why don't you go and watch some telly while I make us breakfast?"  she said and although Ava was a little hesitant about leaving Jesy she ended up nodding

After a few minutes, the only thing that you could hear in the house was the voices from Paw Patrol, Ava's favorite show 

Suddenly Jesy's phone rang, it was a text message from Perrie that told that she was a few minutes away

It had become a thing Perrie did to show Jesy she was there. She just showed up at the place and usually stayed there for a few hours. Made Jesy some breakfast, helped her clean up, listened to her when she needed to... There were days that Jesy would be in a better mood, and they could watch a movie and have a nice time, while there were days where she wouldn't even leave her room. Anyways, Perrie was there for her, and the brunette really appreciated. Well this was going to be a surprise 

And it totally was, when Perrie entered the house, she found the happier Jesy she had seen in weeks. She was cooking which didn't happen very often and she was listening to Paw Patrol... yes something was weird 

"I see you're in a good mood" she said clueless about what was about to happen 

In the living room the little toddler heard a voice she hadn't heard in weeks, she couldn't forget that voice. She slowly stood up and looked at where Jesy was, seeing a blonde woman with her as well 

A smile quickly appeared on her face and she couldn't hold it anymore 

"Auntie!" she said rushing towards the woman who immediately turned back to see a little body running towards her. She was shocked, she couldn't move or say anything "Hi auntie" little Ava said hugging the blonde's legs 

Perrie suddenly felt her eyes filling up with tears as she felt a lump form in her throat 

"Ava?" she asked still not believing the girl was there "Hi baba" she said kneeling finally hugging the girl "I missed you so much baby" she said holding the girl close 

"I missed you too" she answered resting her head on the blonde's shoulder 

"When... How..." Perrie said standing up with the girl in her arms looking at Jesy who was looking at them with her eyes filled with tears and a smile on her face 

"I'll maybe tell you about it later" she said knowing it was a long story "but she's back and she's not going anywhere this time"           

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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