Chapter 7

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There she was, again, Jesy sat on her bed, with Ava's file on her lap, without being able to read it. That was the perfect time, it was the middle of the night and she just couldn't get herself to sleep. Ava, on the other side, was exhausted, it had been a long day. 

Jesy ordered something to eat and she could see Ava falling asleep trying to finish her food. As soon as the small girl finished or, at least, ate enough, Jesy brought her to the bathroom, helped her brush her teeth and took her straight to bed. The brunette tucked the little girl in, and stayed there humming some songs till she was fully asleep. Then she went to her room, checked Instagram for a little bit, answered some texts and that brings us here "Come on Jesy" She whispered underneath her breath. Grabbed Ava's file, sat straight on the bed and open it

It had been 30 minutes since she started reading Ava's file and she was handling it pretty well. At least she was until she reached the last pages. In them you could see the updates that were made while Ava was in the hospital. Jesy felt sick reading about what happened that night, at least what they thought could have happened. It also mentioned the research that was being made about the family due to the fact that neither, the mother or the kids, were found at the house. Jesy closed the file and left it on the night table, she couldn't think anymore. The brunette took a few deep breaths, got up and went out of the room, she needed a glass of water. It's all right, she is safe now and that's all that matters she thought to herself.

On her way upstairs, she heard a little noice coming from Ava's room. That and the fact that it was almost 2 in the morning made her worry. She came into the room to find little Ava sobbing, desperately trying to remove the sheets from the bed. That's when Jesy saw the big stain on them.

"I'm sorry" the small girl said when she realised Jesy was there "no hurt p'ease" she said now crying harder. Jesy could see how frightened she was and that made her let out a little sigh. Ava would get punished every time something like this happened.

"Baby I'm not mad at you" Jesy said taking a few steps towards her, but Ava started walking backwards until she hit the wall. That made her start to cry even harder if that was possible.

"I'm sorry, I be good, I p'omise p'ease" Ava said panicking. Jesy was worrying, her breaths were coming out in wheezes, she was struggling to breath

"Okey baby girl, I need you to look at me" Jesy said in a lower tone, making sure the small girl looked at her, Ava was still letting out loud sobs and coughing a little which led to a chest ache. "I need you to match my breath, deep breaths baby" Jesy said showing her how to do it, Ava was struggling but she tried really hard to copy what Jesy was doing. "Good job love, you are doing very well" they stayed like that for a couple more minutes until Ava was finally calm

"I'm sorry" she said again, now looking down. Jesy grabbed her chin, made her look up and smiled at her

"Baby I'm not mad" Ava frowned "it was an accident, wasn't it?" The brunette asked and the little girl slowly nodded "you are not in trouble, why don't we go put the dirty sheets on the washer, then we can go and take a bath" Jesy said with a soft calm voice to make sure Ava knew she wasn't mad. Jesy stood up and reached out her hand for Ava to hold.

Before going to the bathroom, Jesy grabbed a new pair of pijamas, a new set of bed sheets and made the bed. In the bathroom she prepared the bathtub, put some bubbles in it and helped Ava carefully get in the tub.

They spent nearly half an hour like that. Truth to be told, Ava didn't wanna get out, the bubbles were a great idea. Ava thought they looked like clouds, she started playing with them which caused her to let out little giggles. Jesy's heart melted every time she heard her, she didn't had the heart to tell her it was time to come out. So they stayed there but it was late and both of them had to sleep. 

The brunette helped the three-year-old get dressed and led her to bed but Ava didn't want that, she was afraid her bad thoughts and nightmares would come back so she held tight to Jesy's hand

"What's wrong baba?" the brunette said kneeling down "aren't you tired?" The small girl bit her lip looking down and nodded. She was but she didn't want to be alone "would you like to come sleep with me?" Jesy asked, she noticed a little smile appearing on Ava's face "then let's go"

Once in Jesy's room, they prepared to finally go to bed. The brunette was on the bathroom, when she heard a little cough coming from the room. She grabbed Ava's cream, Jesy was sure all the crying didn't made the bruise in her ribs feel any better. She sat next to Ava and put a little bit of cream on her hand. The small girl looked at her a little confused 

"I'm going to put a little bit of cream on your bruise, I'm sure all that crying made it super sore" Ava nodded, her chest and her ribs were sore and how could she say no to the offer of more comfort. After Jesy applied the cream on the girl's bruise, she lowered her shirt and stayed rubbing soft patterns on her chest until Ava was fully asleep. She stayed up for a little more, making sure everything was all right, but ended up falling asleep.

Hope you enjoyed ♥️

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