Chapter 18

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Next two weeks were... weird. After a few days Kristen called to arrange a meeting and explain how to proceed from there. Jesy tried to not let it affect her but it seemed impossible. The thought of the toddler being away made the woman's eyes fill up with with tears as a feeling of emptiness made itself present 

After the meeting with the social worker, a date was set for Jesy and Ava to meet the couple. It was decided that it was going to be at Jesy's place, Ava felt comfortable there so it was the best option. So it happened, a tall, white man with dark hair and brown eyes made himself present with his wife, a friendly looking woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. The couple arrived on time, ready to meet Ava 

The three year old didn't really know what was happening. At first she thought maybe they were some of Jesy's friends, but... why didn't she mention them before. Also Jesy seemed at little off when they were around. Ava was little but she was really good at realizing how peopke felt. 

The couple kept coming, twice a week, for a whole month. Ava didn't know why they where coming so often but quickly understood something was going to happen when one night when she went into Jesy's room, she found her with red, puffy eyes and a box of tissues next to her 

She didn't say much, but she decided that if Jesy was sad it was her turn to help her. So she gave her a super special hug and cuddled with her just like the woman did when she felt bad

Finally, it was going to happen, this was the last week Ava spent at her home. The couple was going to take her away at 10am, next Monday. Jesy didn't know how to tell that to the girl, she was already having a hard time trying to imagine her life without the toddler 

"Bubba?" the brunette called the little girl that was laying on the sofa, watching her favourite show "Can I talk to you for a second?" she asked as the girl looked at her nodding "Well, do you remember the couple that has been coming around and playing with you?" she asked earning a little nod from the girl 

"Yes" the girl whispered "They like to p'ay ba'bies and r'ad stories" the girl said smiling 

"Yes they do" Jesy said trying her best not to let her voice betray her "Well, they really like you and... and they would like for you to go live with them" she explained the best she could for the girl to understand 

"For how long?" the girl said with a confused expression all over her face 

"Forever sweetie" Jesy said as she noticed how a few tears formed in her own eyes "They would like to be you forever home... your mommy and daddy"

"No, tha'k you" the three-year-old simply said returning her gaze to the tv. She didn't want them to be her forever home, this was her forever home 

"Baby you can't say no to that" Jesy tried to explain gaining the girl's attention again "That's not how it works"

"But... I want to stay" Ava replied now understanding what this meant 

Her feelings were overtaking her, she felt everything at once and she didn't know how to express that. 

Ava quickly stood up from the sofa and ran towards her room, she wanted to be alone, she wanted this to just be a dream. She finally felt at home and know they were taking that away from her, why? 

When Ava was no loner in sight, Jesy finally broke. Tears ran down her face as she held held her head between her hands. She really wanted Ava to stay, but this was the girl's chance to have a family, a normal life... she couldn't take that away from the child

The following week was a sad week. Ava seemed down most of the time, there was nothing that could cheer the girl up, not even Regie wich is saying a lot. Jesy also was worried about the girl's regression in terms of attitud. Ava would hardly talk, she had constant nightmares and was againg afraid of everything that surrounded her. All of this lead Jesy to think, what if she was doing the wrong thing? what if this doesn't help Ava?

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