Chapter 11

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"Hello?" Jesy said with a raspy voice, she had just been woken up by the sound of her phone. She wasn't that bad at mornings, but for sure it wasn't her favourite time of the day 

"Hi! Jesy?, It's Kristen" The woman on the other side of the line said "I'm sorry to bother you, but it's gonna be quick I promise" She sounded in a little bit of a rush. The brunette knew why the social worker was calling. A little over two weeks had past since Ava arrived so it was time for the regular visits 

"Hi Kristen, How are you? It's alright" Jesy said sitting straight on the bed, and stretching a little 

"Everything is great, thank you" She said slowing down "I was calling so we could arrange the time of the visit, I was thinking on passing by today" Jesy let out a sigh, today wasn't a good day 

"Today is actually not a good day. Maybe tomorrow... or any other day. We have a doctors appointment today for Ava stitches, we have to get them off" She could hear that Kristen was typing something and moving papers 

"Yes I remember now, there's no problem, tomorrow it is then?" the social worker said, when someone entered her office to ask her about some papers. Jesy could hear someone talking to her, but she didn't pay much attention to it "Sorry about that, It's a little bit of a chaos today at the office" the brunette could hear the stress in her voice 

"I can't imagine" She said with clear empathy in her voice "Yes sure, you can come at any time, we are gonna be here" Jesy said, that's when she heard a little knock on her door that was followed by the bedroom's door opening slowly. Jesy smiled when she saw the little girl slowly coming into the room. She stood on the door mat, until Jesy smiled at her and patted the empty space next to her on the bed. Ava ran to the bed, laying her head on Jesy's lap "I will see you tomorrow then"

"See you, have a good day" Kristen said and they ended the call. Ava looked at her with a little frown on her face. The brunette looked at her and gave her a little boop on her nose which made the toddler smile and crinkle her nose. 

"Morning baba, did you sleep well?" The little girl smiled and nodded. This was Ava's favourite part of the day. Jesy would ask her how she slept, and Ava would ask for cuddles until it was breakfast time "That's great, isn't?" Ava gave the woman a little nod while she closed her eyes feeling Jesy ran her hand on her hair "We have quite a busy day today, we have to go to the doctor" 

"Why?" Ava said, she was alright, she didn't need it. Was Jesy sick? 

"Remember the little things you have in the back of your head?" The girl automatically lift her hand to the place where the stitches were "Don't touch them baby" Ava nodded "Well, you don't need those anymore, is healed. So they need to take them off" 

"Hurt?" Ava asked now looking at the women. She really wanted to take the stitches off, those were uncomfortable and they would itch a lot. But she wasn't exactly keen to the idea of going to the doctor. That was not her favourite place. 

"I don't think so" Jesy said giving her a reassuring smile "Either way I'm gonna be there all the time okey?" The brunette said making the child smile at her and then return to her previous position "Now, It's time to go have breakfast, so let's get up" the toddler made some disagreement noices, she wasn't hungry, she wanted to stay there "What was that hun?Someone's being a little lazy?" Jesy said tickling Ava's sides "We need to go eat, we don't want that tummy of yours growling all day, do we?"

"'key" Ava said letting out a sigh  and then got up. Jesy got up as well and before going out of the room she felt a little hand take hers. She looked down a saw little Ava waiting for her to start walking 

They had breakfast and watched a few episodes of "Paw Patrol". This was Jesy's life now, apparently that had become Ava's favourite show. Even though she really struggled to watch the thing and don't get distracted by her phone, she loved seeing how excited Ava got when the uniformed dogs appeared on the screen. The day went by pretty fast, they had lunch and for the next few hours, Jesy invented fun activities for Ava to do, clay, paint ... they did everything. Until it was finally time to go, so they got ready and left to the hospital. 

"Hello, how can I help you?" The lady on the desk said, giving Jesy and Ava a little smile 

"Hi, we have a doctor's appointment for Ava Evans" The brunette answered and the woman started typing at the computer 

"Right let's see, Ava Evans... here it is, Dr. Stone will see you in a moment" she said smailing "you can wait in the waiting room over there" she said pointing to a little area on the side that had a some chairs and a few toys for kids

"Thank you" The brunette said and started walking towards the waiting room. After a few minutes Ava was getting bored, there were a few toys that caught her attention and she was really considering going to play with them. She went  from sitting next to Jesy to kneeling on the floor distracting herself with Snowball. That's when a little boy came into the room running with a little toy airplane on his hand pretending it was flying. When the little boy noticed the presence of another kid around he became really excited he would have somebody to play with 

"I'm Carson and I'm four" The little boy said, repeating exactly what her mom had taught him to say when he met knew friends. He kneeled in front of Ava and held up four fingers. Ava looked at Jesy not really knowing what to say. But she looked back at Carson and introduced herself 

"Hi, I Ava" she made a little pause "I three" they didn't say much after that but Carson grabbed one of the toys that was there and gave it to Ava so they could play toghether. 

"Look mum! I made a new friend, her name is Ava and she's three" Carson said to her mum, really proud of himself 

"Ava Evans" Jesy heard the girl's name being called, so she stood up and held the three-year-old's hand. Ava whisper a little bye to Carson and followed Jesy into the room the doctor was waiting for them "Hi there, sorry for the wait" Jesy smiled at her and just shook her head gently "and who we have here" she said and Ava hid behind Jesy 

"This is Ava, she's a little shy" The brunette answered and the doctor left her papers over her desk and walked towards the little girl

"Hi Ava" Dr Stone said kneeling in front of her "who's your friend over here?" she said refering to the stuffed animal on the girl's arm.   

"S'owball" Ava looked at the stuffed bunny and answered. The woman smiled at her  

"Snowball? Can he come out to say hi?" She had seen a lot of kids like Ava. She could tell that the girl was scared. Ava shook her head

"Scawy" Ava said, bitting her lip and looking down 

"It's okey, I understand. It is a little scary but you will be just fine" The woman answered and stood up "So, I'm gonna ask you to sit her over here so I can look at those stitches" Jesy picked Ava up and went to place her on the stretcher but Ava didn't want to let go. Finally she sat on the stretcher holding Jesy's hand "Everything looks pretty good, It's time to take them off" she said after looking at the healed wound "I know it sounds really scary, but I promise it doesn't hurt. Not one bit" The little girl looked at the brunette and squeezed her hand a little more "Okey, ready?" Ava nodded closing her eyes, waiting for the pain to come but it never did "We are done, you both are good to go now" she said smiling

"You did so good baby" Jesy said "You were so brave" Ava let go of Jesy's hand only to reach her free hand to her. It didn't hurt but she still wanted to be held "Let's go home baba" Jesy said her "Good byes" and "Thank yous" to Dr Stone and then they went home  

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