Chapter 19

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Almost a month had passed since Ava started living in the Thompson's household and she had came to the conclusion that she found this family... intriguing.

She had learnt that word a few days ago and thought that was the word that fitted the couple the best

The couple was definitely not how Ava remembered them. She had in her memory the image of them playing barbies with her but that image was gone.

First there was Anthony, the father of the family. The first time the girl interacted with him, she remembers thinking that he was very funny, always making jokes... however, there was no trace of that funny man. Anthony was serious and not very warm which caused Ava to feel a little withdrawn when she was in presence of the man. However, he was also, very involved on his work, because of that he was not at home much

Then there was Heather, Anthony's wife. She was... nice? She didn't know. Heather had her moments, sometimes she was the nicest and sometimes she wouldn't even look at the girl, only caring for the youngest in the family, Luca

"Come on Ava, stay still" Heather said to the toddler as she tried to brush the girl's hair. Today they were going to a family barbecue so everyone could finally meet Ava and have a good time. Now Ava was not cooperating. The girl had had a nightmare the night before about her home... her real home so right now she was missing Jesy more than ever

"I don't want to" the girl replied

"Well, you don't have a choice" the woman said clearly annoyed by the girl's attitude, letting go of the girl's hair "I want you ready when I come back" she said as she walked towards the door

When the woman was no longer in the room, Ava finally broke and started crying. She wanted her mommy, she wanted Jesy. Why did she have to stay here if she was perfectly fine at Jesy's place? She didn't understand and for the first time Ava felt angry


Jesy was not having it any better, she thought about the girl at every moment. Everything she did reminded her of the girl and that she wasn't there. Everynight she would think about Ava, trying to convince herself that the toddler was probably fine, that she had already got used to her new family. However, as she tried to stay positive a thought of the girl having nightmares or even panic attacks would make itself present and leave her anxious for the rest of the night

Of course, the girls have tried to stay with Jesy and make sure she was fine although Jesy had tried to tell them that it wasn't necessary. They all knew Jesy could be very stubborn sometimes, so even when Jesy tried to cut them off, they stayed. They knew the brunette needed them, even if she didn't want to accept it

"You okay babe?" Perrie asked as she walked into the kitchen, having heard a loud noise coming from there "Jess?" she called again as she noticed that the brunette was not answering her and was just staring into space

"Huh?" Jesy said snapping out of her thoughts as she looked at her friend "Yes, I'm fine... Sorry" she answered looking down at what she was doing again "I just droped the glass" she explained earning a nod from the blonde

"Leave that" the blonde said as she walked a little closer to her friend "I just picked a movie, you can do that later" she said and Jesy just nodded not really wanting to fight back

They got comfortable on the couch and put the movie on. Jesy was really trying to shut her mind off and just watch the movie but she couldn't. She just felt overwhelmed, thousands of thoughts were running through her mind and all of them were about the same thing. Ava.

She couldn't help but think about her running around the house giggling as she was being chased by Reggie. Or cuddling with her on the couch and watch a movie she didn't really like but the little girl did. See her smile whenever one of her favourite characters appeared on the screen... she remembered every little detail

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