Chapter 13

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As the sun began to set the three girls decided to go for a little walk. At some point of the walk Perrie felt a little hand take hers which automatically made her smile but what made her smile even more was when she felt Ava's hand release hers and reach for her with both arms, wanting to be held. As soon as Perrie picked her up the three-year-old hid her face in the crock of the woman's neck and started playing with one of the blonde's strands of hair. After a couple minutes Perrie felt the little girl's breathing get heavy and her hand had stopped tangling and untangling the lock of hair she had been playing with 

"She's asleep" the blonde said to her friend that was walking next to her. Jesy couldn't stop smiling at their interaction 

"Do you want me to carry her?" the brunette asked knowing what her friend's answer would be 

"No, no, I'm okey" Perrie said making Jesy chuckle 

"That's great because I would hate accidentally waking her up by moving her" she said smiling and noticed Ava snuggling further into Perrie "She warmed up to you nicely, I mean she has seen you twice and still I think she likes you more than me"

"I mean can you blame her?" joked Perrie, earning a little shove on the shoulder "I'm kidding you know she doesn't" 

"Whatever" the brunette said rolling her eyes "It's getting a little late" she commented 

"Yeah we should probably go" she said as she started to walk towards where she had parked her car "You want to come over? You haven't been at my place in ages" Jesy laughed a little at her friend's insistence so she just nodded "Yeah? Great! Well you are gonna have to help me here 'cause I don't think is really safe to drive with a child in my arms" The brunette went to take the little girl from her friend's arms and Ava moved a bit not wanting to wake up just yet 

When they arrived they where recieved by Hatchi and Travis barking loudly. Luckily they calmed down quickly, Ava had opened her eyes briefly but as soon as she noticed that she was still with Jesy she went back to sleep. The little girl usually napped for at least an hour so the brunette decided to put her on the couch for a little while. When Ava woke up she was alone, Perrie was in the kitchen and Jesy had gone to the loo, but Ava didn't know that so she freaked out. 

As she looked around she saw out of the corner of her eye a little couch placed near the staircase. She run there as fast as she could, hiding behind it. Perrie heard the footsteps through her house and smiled knowing Ava was up. She quickly went to check on her and her smile fell as soon as she heard little whimpers coming from the girl

"Hey baba, what's wrong?" she asked kneeling down to her level trying to get closer to the girl but immediatelly stopping when she saw the girl's expression, she was terrified. Ava was okey with Perrie as long as Jesy was there, now that Jesy wasn't here Perrie wasn't a safe place anymore. She liked Perrie but she was in a place she didn't know without knowing where the brunette was, so her fears were taking the best of her. Perrie's heart ached at the sight. 

"Jesy" the little girl was able to let out between sobs 

"Wanna go find Jesy baby? She's upstairs" the blue-eyed woman said "but first you need to take three big breaths for me okey?" Ava looked at her and nodded copying what the woman in front of her was doing "Well done sweetheart, let's go find Jesy okey?" Perrie reached her hand out to the girl and was pleasantly surprised when she felt a little body into hers, holding her tight "You're okey baby, I got you, you're okey" she said rubbing the girl's back 

Perrie got up with the girl placed in her hip and began walking upstairs searching for Jesy. The brunette had just got out of the bathroom when she heard the footsteps coming from the stairs. When Ava saw Jesy she immediately reached her arms towards her "Everything all right?" the brunette asked Perrie when she noticed Ava's tear stained cheeks 

"Yeah, she woke up and you weren't there so she got a little scared" Perrie explained and Jesy nodded

"You're all right, you're safe" she whispered 


It's a little short and I'm a little late but here it is. Hope you like it                   

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