24. Marcella

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'Prince Doran...' Jamie said looking around at the group sat before him.

'Please forgive us we started without you,' DORAN said 'please sit.'

'Princess Marcella...'

'Uncle.' She replied stiffly.

'what are the lovely dress.' Jaime mused.

'You don't like it?' Marcella countered

'You must be cold.' Jamie told her

'Not a all. The Dornish climate agrees with me.' Marcella told him stubbornly

'Prince trystane, how's your jaw?' Jaime questioned

'a flea bite.' he answered

'What are you doing in Dorne?' Doran questioned

'I'm looking after the safety of my niece Marcella.' Jamie said when he realized Geneva wasn't going to talk. He stared back at her a moment longer.

'And rather than send a raven or speak to me directly you decided to enter my country in secret and abduct out guest by force?' Doran questioned

'We received a threatening message,' Jamie told him 'the princesses necklace in the jaws of a viper.'

'that necklace were stolen from my room.' Marcella remarked and DORAN looked over at Ellaria, she stared her down for a moment.

'Excellent the last meal before the beheading.' Jamie said as food was placed in front of him.
. 'No you want to break bread with a Lannister.'

'That is precisely what we are doing let us drink to Tommen of the first of his name king of the Andals,' Doran said raisign a glass 'Lord of the first man, Lord of the seven kingdoms...' DORAN said kindly, Ellaria lifted hers up pouring it out in front of her before slamming it down on the table. 'King Tommen insists on his sister's return to the capital?" Doran questioned

'I'm afraid he does.' Jamie answered

'I cannot disobey my kings command she will return with you to Kings Landing and my son persisting will accompany you both if the alliance between the iron throne and Dorne is to continue their engagement must stand.' Doran told him

'I accept.' Jamie agreed

'And one more thing, my brother was named to the small council before his death your father understood the importance of keeping Dorne in the fold with Oberyn gone Trystan will take his place on the small council.' Doran informed Jaime.

'You have my word.' Jamie agreed

'The word of a king slayer.' Ellaria sneered 'no wonder you can't stand you have no spine.' she spat at Doran walking away but he grabbed her arm

'Your mother to four my nieces, girls that I love very much. for their sake I hope you live a long and happy life... speak to me that way again and you won't.' he warned and she pulled out of his grip storming off.


'Am I going to be happy at the end of this walk?' Bronn questioned as his cell door was opened

'You're going to find out very soon.'

'say it one more time handsome.' The daughter begged as he left.

'The most beautiful woman in the world.' Bronn said as he passed and she grinned at him.

'My prince this is Ser bronn of the black water.' Jaime was sitting with the royal family while bronn was in a cage, the little prick.

'I did not realize there were knights of the black water.'

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