13. Make you a Lannister

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Tommen was asleep or at least trying to sleep tossing and turning when he heard a rustling in his room

'Sir pounce?' He asked sitting up in his door opened and closed Margaery came in holding a candle 'how did you get past the kings guard?'

'Kings guard?' she asked innocently

'I don't think you're supposed to be here.' he told her 'mother doesn't allow me to visitors at night.'

'I'm not a visitor your grace I'm to be your bride,' she said lighting a few candles 'did you know that people of arranged marriages often never meet until their wedding day.' She told him taking advice from her grandmother's playbook 'before we decide to spend our lives together,' she said sitting down on his bed 'how about we get to know one another don't you think?'

'Yes but if my mother-'

'It can be our little secret,' she suggested 'if we're going to be man and wife will have a few secrets from her I hope...' he looked up at her with amazement and adoration, admiration she was beautiful and she wanted him. 'Your grace...'


'Tell me a secret,' she told him sweetly and a cat jumped up on the bed. 'hello aren't you a proper fellow.'

'That is Ser pounce,' Tommen told her

'He is very handsome,' she said as he meowed over the bed

'Joffrey didn't like him,' Tommen admitted 'he threatened to skin him alive mixes inners up in my food so I wouldn't know I was eating him.'

'That's very cruel.' Margaery told him 'you don't strike me as cruel.'

'No.' he agreed 'I don't think I am'

'That's a relief.' Margie told him 'because you know what happens when we marry?'

'We say our vows in front of a high septon and-' Tommen began

'When we married I become yours forever,' Margaery corrected sweetly 'it's getting late I should go,' she whispered 'may I come and visit you again?' He nodded eagerly 'all right then,' she leaned forward bring her face very close to his 'remember our little secret,' she looked his lips before pressing a kiss to his forehead and heading out.


'In light of the seven I now proclaim Tommen of the houses Baratheon and Lannister the first of his name king of the andals and the first man and Lord of the seven kingdoms.' A crown was placed upon his head 'long may he reign.'

'Long may he reign.' Everyone echoed and Tommen smiled down at Margaery. Cersei blocked Tommens view of Margaery slowly approaching, Margaery tried to keep her face calm neutral pleasant as Cersei approached

'Your grace.' Margaery said sweetly

'There he is.' Cersei told her

'Long may he reign.'

'Long may he reign,' she agreed

'He sits the throne like he was born to it,' Margaery told her

'Yes he wasn't though was he?' Cersei questioned calmly.

'No, he wasn't,' Margaery agreed as Olenna payed her respects before heading off to High garden.

'I still mourn for Joffrey.' Cersei told her

'He was my husband he was my king I would have-'

'He would've been your nightmare.' Cersei informed her

'Your grace I feel-'

'You knew exactly what he was,' Cersei told her calmly 'I did too. You never loved anything in the world the way you love your first child. Doesn't matter what they do and what he did it shocked me. Do you think I'm easily shocked?'


'The things he did shocked me,' Cersei told her 'he's only a boy a good boy a decent boy he was the last decent King I wonder if he could be the first man who sits on the throne in 50 years to actually deserve it?' Cersei told Margaery

'It would be some constellation wouldn't it for all the horror that put him there.' Margaery added

'He will need help.' she said to gritted teeth 'if he's going to rule well.'

'He has you.' Margaery told her

'A mother is not enough you're still interested in being queen I take it...'

'After all that's happened... It sounds strange I know but I haven't even gotten it any thought what comes next,' she lied 'it would be a great honor of course but I will have to speak to my father about it.' they look to her father mace as he happily marched through the crowds greeting people. The fat flower as Olenna liked to call him

'Yes speak to your father I'll speak to mine.' Cersei said looking to the throne Tywin stood next to her son and Princess Geneva.

'We may be faced with an alarming number of wedding soon,' Margaery told her 'I won't even know what to call you sister... Or mother'

'It suits you.' Geneva told Tommen. 'So very handsome, like your grandfather.' Geneva told him winking back at Tywin.

'You are too kind Princess.' Tywin told her a smile tugging at his lips.

'Father... Princess.' Cersei said coming up to them.

'Your grace,' Geneva said sweetly, 'you have raised such a polite young man,' Geneva told her.

'Thank you.' Cersei told her softly.

'Marcella, is a wonderful girl as well.' Geneva added.

'You see her often?'

"Yes I adore Trystane, her betrothed.' Geneva told her. 'They are attached at the hip, completely smitten with each other.'

'That is good to hear.'

'I am sorry I couldn't bring her back with us.' Geneva remarked. 'I don't have much... any,' she corrected. 'say at dorne.' Cersei nodded understanding. Her power didn't come until she got rid of Robert and now she was fighting with her father and then Joffrey, Tommen would be easier to guide she hoped.

'Of course.' Cersei said softly.

'But now that her most favorite brother is king,' Geneva added with a wink at Tommen he beamed up at her. 'I'm sure he could request her home whenever he pleased.'

'They would allow her to come back?" Cersei questioned.

"She is not a prisoner.' Geneva assured. 'she is constantly smiling, its quite disgusting actually how happy she is.' Geneva teased. 'it makes me sick at young love,' she added with a grin.

'We don't get to choose unfortunately.' Cersei said glaring over at Tywin.

"No, women in our position must make do with what we have.' Geneva agreed.

'Couldn't agree more.' Cersei clinked her glass to Geneva as she headed off. Tywin was surprised to say the least that Cersei and Geneva were getting along so well. Cersei hated everyone and everything that wasn't her children or Jaime it seemed but Geneva and her seemed to click. Tywin watched them curiously as Tommen was oblivious to their hidden messages within their text.

'Father a word.' Cersei said pulling him aside.

'Yes Cersei?" he questioned keeping his eyes on Geneva.

'Geneva would make a fine Queen.' Cersei said, 'much better than the tyrells.'

'Yes a queen.' Tywin agreed before he connected what Cersei was saying. "Geneva is married already.' Tywin reminded her.

'Yes but Geneva is not a cunt like Margaery.' Cersei told him.

'Unfortunately Geneva is already a martell.' Tywin said bringing his cup to his lips and murmuring under his breath. 'or else I would make her a Lannister.'

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