5. Bride

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Margaery looked like a goddess sent from the heavens and delivered into Westerose. Her father delivered her to Joffrey and she hooked arms with him as they made their way up the sept to the Septon together. He cloaked her with his protection with honor and dignity their hands bound together as the septon spoke. Geneva couldn't help but think that Joffrey looked very happy to be marrying Margaery. Oberyn had an arm around Ellaria's hips as Geneva stood next to them trying to force a smile as they whispered sweet nothings in each others ears as the septon spoke.


Tywin noticed her discomfort, he glanced back at her, she tried to focus on Margaery on the dress, the beautiful dress, the necklace that adorned her neck, the smile on bother Joffrey and Margaery's faces as they were about to be bound together for all eternity. They looked happy to be spending their lives together.




Geneva was so excited at her own wedding she had never been to dorne before but she heard about its beauty. She had never been far from home at all actually but she was ready for an adventure, for love. She had heard that Oberyn was handsome and her little teenage heart skipped happily when she saw him waiting at the end of the aisle for her. she offered him the biggest of smiles but he wasn't looking at her. his face dull his eyes wandering the room, a yawn actually escaped his lips as she walked down. Her smile faltered but her father gave her a reassuring smile as he walked her down the aisle.


Geneva let go of her fathers arm as she walked up the three steps to Oberyn she brushed a lock of hair behind her ear as she looked up to him. He didn't look to her though, he looked to the septon. She turned to face him as well, every moment that passed every word spoke the butterflies in her heart faded, her smile falling.


'Let it be known that Geneva of house Hightower and Prince Oberyn of the house Martell are one heart one flesh one soul cursed be to those who would seek to tear them asunder.'


Geneva expected him to say something, she had vows in her head, about growing love and union and she had worked hard on them. but Oberyn didn't have anything prepared he kissed her quickly, his lips barely touched hers the crowd clapped politely as they were announced man and wife. Oberyn marched back down the aisle for the feast, he barely looked at Geneva and she thought perhaps he was shy, or nervous, surely no more nervous than her but then Geneva met some of his children, bastard children and his mistress. He openly introduced her as his paramour before dancing with Ellaria most of the night, drinking with her. Geneva sat and stared uselessly her food untouched in front of her as his hands moved and glided along her body, how no one batted an eye that the prince was ignoring his bride. On their wedding night.

Geneva picked at her nails anxiously. He barely said two words to her and when he was talking it was to introduce her to the woman he actually loved. Geneva's knew she couldn't compete. Ellaria was exotic and beautiful, experienced... Geneva was nothing special and Oberyn made that very clear.

When the bedding ceremony came Geneva was sure they would skip it, for Oberyn didn't look twice at her but he sighed pulling at her dress. He was done quick as Geneva held her tongue. She didn't like the pain, he was moving to fast, he was hurting her trying to get the job done with, he didn't look at her, he closed his eyes as though picturing someone else. He didn't take off his shirt, he barely removed his pants and it was over before she knew it. Geneva pulled the blankets up over her as Oberyn left. She watched him go confused and frustrated and angry. She was so angry. Blood ran along her legs from the penetration a bath was prepared and while she was waiting for cleanse herself from the disastrous day she heard the sounds, the moans the screams coming from the next room. She hesitated as their moans seems to last forever. Then she heard it. Oberyn. His name on someone else's lips. Geneva bit back the tears. The handmaiden nodded to her leaving Geneva to listen to the echoes of Oberyn and his paramour fucking in the next room. Her lips quivered as she stepped into the bath. Geneva wanted to die. She dunked herself under the water. Wishing to drown herself but doran came in to check on her and pulled up her, she gasped for breath and her tears mixed with her soaked self. He became her only friend in Sun spear.




'Let it be known that Margaery of house Tyrell and Joffrey of the houses Lannister and Baratheon are one heart one flesh one soul cursed be to those who would seek to tear them asunder.'

'With this kiss I pledge my love,' Joffrey said bringing his lips to Margaery the crowd clapped happily as they were announced man and wife. King and Queen.

'We have a new queen.' Sansa said down to Tyrion.

'Yes we do,' he agreed. Geneva's eyes drifted away from the happy couple and locked eyes with Tywin. He offered her a genuine smile. A sad smile tugged at her lips.

Bored of You // Tywin Lannister (1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin