3. Miserable

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Dorne was different from other regions at least the royals were. Oberyn didn't care for monogamy, Oberyn fucked everyone and everything only Geneva twice in their 6 years of marriage. Oberyn had quite a few bastards. Oberyn was known for his murderous tendency and his love of people. Men and woman adored Oberyn. Everyone wanted a piece of the prince of Dorne and he gave it them, every single one of them. No one cared that Oberyn fucked the whore of Sun spear and beyond, no one batted an eye that Oberyn had a wife but spent his hours with Ellaria instead.

Prince Doran knew that there was no love between Geneva and his brother but still he felt bad for Geneva, she used to be a sweet girl, always smiling and ready for love and an adventure but Oberyn's lack of commitment and distaste for her, soured her mood. Her smile faded and when she wasn't in the water gardens she was drinking herself to sleep. Doran had seen how excited Geneva was when she was first married but that light faded very soon as Oberyn made it clear that Ellaria was his paramour, the love of his life. Geneva was a duty. Doran saw her little face drop and her heart break when she realized Oberyn wanted nothing to do with her. Tears in her eyes Doran walked on unsteady feet to her. a gentle hand on her back and with a blink the tears fell freely.

'I'm so sorry my dear, he doesn't deserve you. He is not worth your tears or your heart.' Doran had told her and she nodded but still she felt so broken. She was 18 when she was married and Oberyn had many children, some as old as ten and yet he had no desire to Geneva. Because loving her would not be pleasure it would be work and Oberyn did not work.

Geneva spent hours in the water gardens back home, hours upon hours until her skin was well past pruned and she would pull herself out of the water her hair dripping down her back as she walked back to her room, bare feet and damp towel covering her body dripping along the floor. Unlike many of Oberyn's flings who walked naked through the halls for all to see, Geneva was sadden thinking herself not pretty enough,. Not thin enough, for years after Oberyn stopped looking twice at her but clung to everyone else. It used to embarrass her, thinking of a man seeing her body bare but Oberyn was so open with his, showing everyone everything. But she came to realize she was beautiful, it was Oberyn that was a blind cunt and couldn't see her worth. she could have been thin as a rail, or 300 pounds over weight, she could have been a red hair, brunette, she could had skin as dark as cocoa or as pale porcelain, it didn't matter what she looked like, he would never love her.

So on the way to Kings Landing she read her books as Oberyn fucked his way through every town they stopped in. Ellaria always at his side, always. Geneva used to envy Ellaria, she was getting the attention and love that Oberyn should have been giving Geneva but Geneva soon came to realize that Doran was right and Oberyn didn't deserve her. but would that mean she was to be lonely and miserably for her whole life?

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