Painting the Town

Start from the beginning

Neptune: So where did they go? 

Y/N: Yeah they were arrested. 

Neptune: Oh. 

Junior: Who are these two? 

Yang: Don't worry about them, worry about me if I don't find what I want! 

Junior: I already told you everything! Torchwick hired my boys and I guess he wasn't happy with them! Which is something I can relate to! 

Yang: C'mon, guys. 

The three turn away from the bar and start walking away. 

Neptune: We get everything we need? 

Yang: Well, we got everything we can. Hopefully, the rest of the team is having better luck. 

The three make their way back outside. 

Once outside the three jump onto the motorcycles this time Neptune gets onto Yang's bike as Y/N shoved him away from his complaining about his ribs. As they got onto their bikes their scrolls begin to vibrate. Yang and Y/N quickly answer. 

Blake(on scroll): Everyone! If you can hear me we need back-

Sun(on scroll): AHHHH! They got a robot, and it's big, really big!

Ruby(on scroll): Oh, I am not missing this!

Sun(on scroll): The Torchwick guy's in it! But not like, it didn't eat him-

Y/N: Don't worry Sun we get it. Now, where are yo-

While Y/N is talking Blake and Sun run past the end of the road Sun screaming the entire time as they are still chased by the huge robot. 

Neptune: I think that was them- 

Yang/Y/N: Yeah, I got it. 

The two quickly spin their bikes around and take off after the mech. 


Yang, Y/N and Neptune race down the highway in chase of the mech while Blake and Sun try their best to stay ahead of it using the passing cars as a way to go as fast as they can. 

Yang: We've gotta slow it down. 

Neptune: Got it. 

Torchwick ramps up the mech's speed and crashes through all the cars in his path. The two bikes start to swerve around trying to avoid the cars that were flying back towards them. They continue dodging while Neptune grabs his gun off his back and begins firing at the mech. As Yang gets him closer he changes his weapon into a guandao, he flourishes his newly transformed weapon and jumps at the mech bringing it down onto the back of the robot. Neptune does his best to hang onto the mech while Sun sends two of his clones at the mech. The clones collide with the mech and Sun follows suit only to crash into Neptune who had been flung from the mech. The two collide and get thrown over the edge of the highway.  

Weiss(on scroll): Blake! I'm in position!

Weiss dives off the bridge above them, as she lands she stabs her weapon into the ground creating a huge amount of ice that covered the highway causing the mech to slide and fly over Weiss and fall over the edge of the highway. Ruby waits below the highway as the mech lands in front of her. Weiss, Blake and Yang jump down and land next to their leader. The mech advances and the girls get ready to fight. 


With all the cars Roman had thrown out the way in his mech, Y/N pulls the last person from their destroyed cars and makes sure they weren't hurt. 

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