Chapter VIII

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Adrien/Cat Noir P.O.V.

You can't leave her alone here. Natalie's voice echoes through my mind. You can't leave her alone here. It's the only thing registering right now, because I'm frozen in shock and horror.

Marinette is gone. I saw her exit into the gardens, and she didn't return; there's only one other way into the house, which is locked. She was taken, and I should've seen the signs. She's gone.

Slowly, I glance back at Nino, similarly stiff and horrified-looking. Turning, I kneel beside the evidence of a fight-- torn fabric from the same gossamer fabric Marinette's dress was made of, the sleeves. A glove rests on the ground nearby it, half-covered in the dirt. Her clutch is torn apart, and a phone and small ajar box of macarons lay in the remains.

"What happened?" Nino whispers, finally snapping out of it. "Who... could've taken her?"

"Hawk Moth." The words spill from my lips instantly. Of course... Lila was planning with him the whole time... she must have helped him set this up. The day she was expelled, when I noticed her about to remove her earrings... he must have seen that, too. He must have put two and two together, and now... now...

"What do you mean?" Nino frowns. "Why would he go after Marinette?" He steps over to the torn bag, kneeling down and tentatively nudging the small box of macarons. "Unless..."

I close my eyes. "Unless she was Ladybug."

It's silent for several long moments before he speaks up again. "You already knew this." He stands and approaches me, eyes wide in disbelief. "Dude, you knew this?"

"I saw her about to take her earrings off the day she was expelled... because they were a Miraculous," I murmur. "It only made sense. Especially when it was Ladybug who requested that I trick Lila into verbally revealing what she'd done."

"I can't believe this." He grabs my shoulders as though he's going to shake me, then backs off and starts pacing before the scene before us. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Wasn't supposed to know her secret in the first place." I groan. "But I should've known that Hawk Moth would have figured it out! I shouldn't have left her alone tonight, not with Lila here!"

"So... what does this mean?" Nino hesitates. "He has her Miraculous by now, I'm sure, but he could be anywhere, and so could she. Do you think he still has her?"

"I..." I close my eyes. "Je ne sais pas. There's no way to know where she is."

There's nothing else to do. Calling the police, we report that she's missing. There's no way her parents won't notice either way, no matter what measures she took to sneak out. Maybe, with luck, the police will find her.

I know my father wants me to be at the gala in his place until he decides to show up, so reluctantly, I return to the gala. Nino and I stay on the second floor overlooking everything. No one knows what happened here tonight. No one knows that our friend went missing, that she could be anywhere. She could be in danger, and I'm scared for her. So scared for her.

Alya joins us after a little while, wordless. We all stand in silence for a bit before she sighs. "Tell me you guys have given up on Marinette's innocence. Please- you two are crazy over something fake!"

My hands tremble at my sides, but I manage to contain myself. Nino doesn't speak up, and neither do I. I can't, or I might say something I'll regret.

She continues. "You saw the same thing I did! I don't know why you can't tell what she did to Lila was real!"

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