Chapter IV

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I've got a packed chapter for you today, pretty exciting!

Cat Noir/Adrien P.O.V.

I humor myself by actually asking myself if I'll help Ladybug. It's the only way to keep my mind off of my accidental discovery.

I leap into my room, turn to an invisible person, and say, "Oh, hey. Adrien Agreste, right?"

I detransform, ignoring Plagg's confused stares. "Oh yeah, I'm totally him. And you're Cat Noir, one of the coolest superheroes." My tone is mockingly admiring. "What are you doing here?"

"You know, superhero business. You seem to be the purr-fect candidate for a special job Ladybug and I need done. How do you feel about putting on a fake rich-boy act and tricking Lila Rossi into revealing her secret?" I ask myself.

"That sounds, like, really cool! I'll totally do that!"

"Kid, you need help," Plagg mutters, perching on my head with his cheese. The stench hits my nose and I snap out of it, waving him away.

"Can't really help it," I grumble. "Out of all the bad timings, this is by far one of the worst to find out Ladybug's identity."

I spent all night raving about it to Plagg, who looked very concerned. Then. However, today he doesn't seem to care as much. But I can hardly keep my head straight. Ladybug is Marinette. I know Ladybug personally. All this time, I've known her. She's sat in front of me while I desperately searched for her identity, and I never suspected a thing.

Marinette. The amazingly brave, fiercely protective, kind and creative girl in my class. Class president, has the nerve to stand up to Chloe, funny and stunningly pretty Marinette.

I don't know how I didn't see it. She's so strong, so incredibly strong, to do everything she has for our class, for everyone. She's selfless and generous, and one of the most creative people I know, making her own clothing designs just like my father does.

And she's Ladybug. My intelligent, hard-working and amazing partner. Coming up with complex plans I'll never be able to wrap my head around, staying strong through so much... she's always been my idol as well as my crush.

But them both... being the same person.... It's driving me insane.

"Kid, the longer you obsess over this, the more you risk revealing her identity. Trust me, I've seen this with a few past owners." Plagg sighs. "Hawk Moth won't hesitate to use you as a bargaining tool to get her Miraculous... so please, be careful."

I pause. "Plagg... what do you know about this?" I question anxiously.

"I've seen it," he mumbles. "It has been prophesied before... and us kwamis are unlucky enough to have to see them. I'm trying to protect you here, kid, so try not to reveal her. Okay?" Without waiting for an answer, he flies away, evidently unwilling to elaborate.

I sigh. "I'm willing," I mutter. "Willing to help you, M'Lady, and not harm you further... So for now, I'll put aside my feelings."

The next day, at school, I step into the courtyard to find it empty. Nino is immediately at my side, pulling me along toward the library. Surprised, I stumble along. "What's going on?"

"Dude, Alya has some footage of Marinette... somewhat admitting to what she did. She's playing it now; hurry, or we'll miss it!" He tugs me along as I process this.

"Nino... have you at all considered that Marinette... might be innocent? That she might have been framed?"

He glances at me skeptically. "I would, but look at the facts. She's gotten away with too much... she lied to us all."

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