Chapter VI

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Is the ending mean? Possibly. Is it too late for me to be writing? Definitely. But here's chapter six for you, hope you guys enjoy despite the lovely... foreshadowing. 

(Also, above is a picture to sort of portray how Ladybug looks prior to their date.)

Adrien/Cat Noir P.O.V.

I hear nothing from Nino all night. Nothing from Marinette, nothing about how their talk went. So I'm pretty nervous about going to school on Friday all night. When the morning rolls around, my thoughts are still focused on it. After all, it's the only thing that can distract me from last night. Even Plagg didn't tease me about it. Any of it.

But when I walk into school, Nino is waiting. He immediately grabs my arm and pulls me to the side, his eyes wide and alert though he looks like he got no sleep. I stare at him, confused, as we step out of the hearing range of everyone gathered in the courtyard. "What's going on?"

"You were right," he whispers.


"You were right. Marinette's innocent; you were right!"

I stare at him for a moment, just processing this. Slowly, I reach out and grasp his shoulders, exhaling deeply. "Nino, you have no idea how glad I am to hear you say that."

"I can't believe Alya hasn't seen it, either," he laments, turning around and pacing the small length of the hallway we're in. "She was there that day-- she should have believed Marinette. I should have! We all know her so well!"

"Chill out," I mutter, noticing a couple of people glancing in our direction. "I get it- I really do. We both know there's no convincing Alya. Or these people here, not without proper proof. But I think Marinette's been gathering evidence from what she can. I helped her out with it yesterday. Maybe she'll be able to prove her innocence, and we can help when it comes to that."

"Good." He fumbles with his phone. "And when I was talking to her yesterday, I found blackmail. She's being blackmailed by someone in the school, and I promised her we'd find them."

"What?" My fists clench. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, dude. Look." He pulls up a photo on his phone showing the text Marinette received. It says, "I know that you're a designer, and that you tricked everyone in our school. I have a way to make it worse by revealing something else you've done, so if you want me to remain neutral, you have until the end of the day tomorrow to give me every design you have." My eyes narrow upon seeing the last line.

"All of her designs?" I turn around. "We're going to find this person, this... this jerk."

"I know."


"I know. I did promise her-"

"By lunchtime."

"What?" Nino slides away his phone as we step out into the courtyard. "I appreciate the... um, enthusiasm, but really? We're going to find one person out of this entire school in the morning? Just us?"

"Non. We'll divide and conquer. And I'll get us some help," I answer firmly.


I don't get the chance to answer before Lila and Alya approach us. I immediately lean closer to Nino, mutter, "Ignore whatever I do here," and fall into the act I put on yesterday. The one where I'm just a puppet to what Lila says and does, the one where... I fall for her charms. The one I hate the most.

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