Chapter IX

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Update: There's supposed to be a picture above of Lila with the ladybug Miraculous— Coccinelle, she'll call herself, and yes, she's a supervillain still. Unfortunately, it's not showing up. Yay, but it's not really post-worthy anyway— I only drew it so I'd know how to describe her costume. I'm not very proud of this particular sketch and wish more than ever that I could pull off digital art, so I guess it's good it won't show up quite yet. I'll work on it. C'est la vie, enjoy this chapter.

Marinette/Ladybug P.O.V.

Fear. I know it's a cliché for people or things in movies and books to "smell fear," but I can't hide my own. I can't, even as I try, put all of my fading energy into keeping myself composed. I'm terrified, and I hate it.

From what I do know when I was attacked, they hurt me badly. At least enough that I don't remember much of how I got here or the fight at all. It took me a while to recall anything from the night before when I woke. And now my head is throbbing endlessly, reminding me with every pounding beat that I can't go anywhere.

I left my glove, though. With the audio recorder, because I knew that Cat Noir would find it. I know he will... because I should've seen it sooner, that he knew my identity. He knows Marinette, who I am, and many of my ex-friends, too. It would be incredible— and horrible for me right now— if he hasn't figured it out.

And I left a message, hoping it would record and upload even though the device was damaged, and I tried to hide from Hawk Moth even after he obtained my Miraculous. But he and Lila caught up, and something struck me so hard that I passed out. And when I came to, someone was tying me up somewhere even I could tell was dark, freezing cold, and empty.

I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't see or move— I was blindfolded and tied up, and still am-- so I did the only thing I could think to do at the time. I pleaded to be released. It wasn't even likely that would happen, but my fear-dazed mind couldn't come up with anything else to help me.

But instead of a cruel retort or being ignored, a soft voice that almost sounded familiar told me, "I cannot," and left me alone. I suppose it was Mayura, and she almost sounded sympathetic. Which is crazy, because... she has no reason to care.

I'm still in the same position I was hours ago; kneeling on something cold, like metal, my wrists and ankles bound behind my back. I still can't see anything, but even I can tell that it's the next day. At least a few hours later, in the morning. But I've been alone the entire time and want it to stay that way for a while until I can keep myself together.

I can't struggle, not without my headache increasing severely. And my shoulder is aching badly, too, every time I move or even breathe. I landed wrong on it when trying to escape, I suppose, which won't help my situation. And there's a hollow ache inside me as I nudge my ear with my good shoulder. My Miraculous is gone, and so is Tikki. I know I'd feel much better with her here, and she could help me escape, too. But I'm on my own.

Every sound that doesn't come from me is chilling- far, far above, I can hear footsteps of people walking around, oblivious or uncaring to my presence, and something the mechanical sound of different functions through what I suppose must be Hawk Moth's lair. I'm shaking hard, something I've constantly failed to hide, and it's all I can do to think straight through constant terror.

It's been hours, however, and finally, I snap myself out of it and start to speak softly, imagining that I'm not alone even though I am. "D'accord, Marinette, enough trembling." My voice is still a bit shaky but I force myself to ignore it. "What would Tikki tell me?" After a pause, I mumble, "She'd still encourage me to try... to think. I have to think."

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