Chapter I

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Marinette/Ladybug P.O.V.

Lila is up to something.

I can tell by the way she's been smirking at me the whole week. Something's going to happen, and it's going to involve me. It won't be good. For some reason, I feel actually scared of what she's going to do. Tikki keeps telling me not to worry about it, but how can I not? Nothing good comes from her schemes.

As soon as I sit down at class on Thursday morning, I can feel Lila's eyes on the back of my head. I bite my lip and force myself to ignore her. Mme. Bustier begins talking, saying she has graded our exam papers.

"Most of you did quite well, but before I pass them out, Marinette, could you bring your bag here? I need to check something." Her expression is suspicious, and I feel an anxious feeling creeping through me. I stand up, pick up my bag, and put it on the desk in front of her. She turns and starts to open it. "Today, someone put an anonymous note in my mailbox claiming that you'd stolen the exam answers," she starts. 

She reaches in and pulls out a few folded papers I don't recognize. "It looks like the anonymous person was right." she finishes, looking grave. I see the words, EXAM ANSWERS on it, and my eyes widen. My whole class gasps.

"That-that's impossible! I never stole those! Someone must have put them in my bag!" I protest.

"But you answered all of the questions correctly," Mme. Bustier replies.

"I did?" I ask, momentarily forgetting the reason she told me this. "Yes! But because I studied." 

Alya stands up. "Mme. Bustier, Marinette always scores high on your tests," she tells her. Lila speaks up.

"It's so terribly unlike you, Marinette, you're usually so well-behaved!" she exclaims. I can see right past the act she's putting on. My eyes narrow.

"Of course. You put the answers in my bag! You're the anonymous informer!" I snap. She gasps, her eyes going wide with innocence.

"I'm coming to your defense and you're accusing me?" she gasps.

"You cannot accuse anyone without proof, and I don't know if I believe that you're innocent, either." Mme. Bustier says to me.

"But I'm sure it was her! She stole the test answers!" I cry.

"That's impossible. She got every answer wrong," she answers sharply.

"She-she must've flunked on purpose." I protest, but my normally calm and peacemaking teacher doesn't even look like she's considering my story.

"Excuse me, Mme. Bustier, but we all know it isn't like Marinette to cheat." Adrien points out, speaking up for me. Alya nods in agreement. Ms. Bustier sighs.

"Marinette, Lila, please go to the principal's office until we get to the bottom of this," she tells us. Lila gets up and walks towards the door, and I reluctantly follow. She holds the door open as I walk through, and I hurry as quickly as I can, in an attempt to stay away from her. 

She catches up and walks alongside me. Our footsteps echo in the empty hallway. In a low voice, she says, "I swore I'd make your life unbearable, Marinette. We'll see how you get out of this one." I close my eyes, forcing myself to remain calm. I can't let my anger take hold of me.

"I'm not falling into your trap," I answer, and walk faster. I reach the principal's office, and Lila smirks at me as she catches up. She walks down the steps of the staircase in front of us.

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