- Is that a hickey? -

Start from the beginning

You have to bite your own tongue to stop from laughing, turning your head away from your boyfriends agitated face.

"What are you even doing in here missy?" Brady asks, looking at his sister.

"Oh! Mom said that dinner was ready." She says before climbing off the bed and running out.

You let out a small laugh at her enthusiasm to eat before turning to Brady.

"That was close."

Brady rolls his eyes, flopping his head forward and burying his face into your neck. "Tell me about it." He mutters.


Everyone was sat at the table, Brady's parents across from you and Brady, who's on your left, his little sister sits on your right.

"How are you y/n? Haven't seen you since last week." His mom says, looking at you.

You look up and hum. "I'm great. Thanks for asking, how are you?"

She sends you a smile. "I'm doing good."

You nod with a smile before Brady's dad starts talking.

"This boy talks non-stop about you." He says, taking a bite of his food.

You look over at Brady who was blushing and staring at you with a smile.

You've been dating for almost seven months and you still seem to make him blush.

You smile at him lightly. "Don't worry, my parents have heard all about you too."

Brady laughs lightly before picking some food up on his fork.

Everyone ate in a comfortable silence, it was nice. When you first came over, the air was awkward and unsettling as you barely knew anyone but Brady.

But now, after many, many sleepovers and hang outs, his family is like your second family and vice versa.

"Whats that?" Brady's little sister points to your neck, causing you to look at her confused.

Your confused gaze turns into one of realization and fear. Side eyeing Brady's parents for a split second, clearing your throat and looking down at your food.

"Y/n hun, show me your neck." His mother says, raising her eyebrow.

Clearing your throat once more you let out a sigh before turning your head.

Brady, who was drinking water, chokes on the drink and puts the glass down quickly, coughing into his elbow.


Bradys dad hums. "Is that what I think it is?"

"No?" You say, trying to figure a way out of the beginning of an awkward conversation.

"Is that a hickey?" His mother says.

You hear Brady let out a small sigh and he nods his head.

"Oh." His mother muttered.

"Whats a hilly?" His little sister says and you look at her, smiling at her incorrect pronunciation.

"Nothing darling, eat you food." Brady's mother whispers to which the little girl nods happily, shoving food in her face.

"Don't you too think you're a bit young to be doing that?"

You and Brady look at eachother for a second before turning to them.

"Dad, we're Seventeen." Brady says and his father narrows his eyes.

"Thats still a bit y—"

"You can not say anything." Bradys mother cuts him off. "We were sixteen when we were hav–"

"Yo, yo, yo, mom!" Brady says, shaking his head. "We do not need to hear that."

Both parents let out laughs, smiling at eachother before eating their food.

"Just be safe kiddos. If you need to know anything, you can ask us." His father says, staring at you two intently.

"Oh my god–" Brady says, covering his face in embarrassment.

You let out an uncomfortable laugh, shuffling in your seat lightly before looking eating your food to get your mind off of everything.

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