Attack titan vs the Female titan

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Oluo: Onward! Ngh!

Oluo throws Eren forward.

Eren: Ah! But Gunther...!

The cloaked soldier appears behind Eren.

Eren: Ah!

Petra: Who's there?!

Eld: Protect Eren!

Oluo: Damn it, what do we do?! Eld, where should we go?!

Eld: There isn't time to reach the horses! Head for HQ as fast as you can!

Oluo: Is it from the Female Titan? Or is there more than one?!

Petra: Damn you... How dare you! Come at me! I'll defeat you, even if it kills me!

Eren: (Thoughts) The Female Titan? Impossible... Why? Didn't we catch it?!

At Erwin's location.

Erwin: If the enemy has some way to retain its strength... it may be able to transform once more.

At Levi's squad's location. An explosion occurs in the forest.

Oluo: I knew it...

Eld: It's coming! The Female Titan!

The Female Titan emerges from the forest and sprints after Levi's squad.

Eren: Damn you... How dare you! This time, I will defeat it!

Eren prepares to bite his hand.

Eld: No!

Eren: Huh?

Eld: The three of us will kill the Female Titan! You will continue to head straight for HQ at top speed!

Eren: Ngh...

At Erwin's location.

Erwin: Here's what I have gleaned from this battle. If we only focus on making the best moves, we will never get the best of our opponent. When necessary, we must be willing to take big risks and be prepared to lose everything.

At Levi's squad's location. The Female Titan continues its pursuit.

Eren: I'll fight, too!

Eld: No! This is the best move! Your power is too risky!

Oluo: What? Do you doubt us?

Petra: Do you, Eren? Do you find it that hard to trust us?

Eren: Ngh...

At Erwin's location.

Erwin: Unless we change how we fight, humanity cannot win.

At Levi's squad's location. The squad continues on.

Eren: Ngh... Urgh! I believe my squad will be victorious. Good luck!

Eren flies past Levi's squad.

Petra: Ah...

Oluo: Heh...

Eld: Ngh...

Petra, Eld, and Oluo turn back toward the Female Titan.

Eren: Ah...

Eld: Urahhh!!

Eld moves to attack the Female Titan's face. The Female Titan moves to grab him, but he shoots back. Petra and Oluo shoot their hooks into the Female Titan's face.

Petra, Oluo: Ngh...!

Oluo: Grr!

Petra and Oluo blind the Female Titan.

The Ghost Titan (Aot x Ghost rider) (being rewritten)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat