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Eren on horse back would run as far as he can, he thought of going to the underground city and starting there but the closes one would take some time. Eren rode his horse as he then felt someone sin up north, Eren stop as he look at the direction of it. The sin he felt from there was coming off of many people, Eren would then change course as he would now start making his way towards the sores of all the sin. Eren not having any power left to change into his Ghost Rider or Titan would make his horse go as fast as it can to try and save anyone.

Eren (thoughts): Damn it, I wound let anyone die.

With commander Erwin, Levi and Hange they were ask price nick about the titans in the walls. As Jean, Armin, and Mikasa would show up.

Armin: Commander Erwin, we found out why Eren left.

Commander Erwin and everyone else turn to look at the group coming towards him.

Levi: Brats, can't you see were in the middle of something.

Mikasa: But sir, it about finding where Eren might be at.

Erwin: No need for that.

Jean, Mikasa, Armin: What!?

Erwin: We have bigger problems, you see that blanket on the wall.

Commander Erwin then points towards the blanket that is hanging off the wall.

Jean: Yay, and what about it?

Hange: Will are new little friend over here know that there where titans inside of them.

Mikasa: What!?

Armin: Titans, inside the walls?!

Jean: bullshit.

Levi: you want to keep it down.

Erwin: let go inside to talk more.

As they were making there way inside a garrison soldier come to the group.

Garrison soldier: Wall Rose has been breach!

Everyone: WHAT!

Back with Eren

Eren had just made it to a small village as he saw no one there. As he rode round the place he then saw a titan, but something was wrong about this titan. The titan was on a house but it arms and legs were to small for it to get here.

Eren: What the hell.

Eren then started to notice that there was no blood or anything which made him more confused on how this titan go here and where everyone was at. Eren then felt the sin again but this time it was closer, as Eren rod his horse a few feet away from the village he spotted at group of soldiers with one titan with them walking on all fours. Eren then got off his horse as he snuck up closer to hear what they were saying.

Eren: who are these people?

As Eren is making his way towards them he trips and falls, making all the soldiers and titan turn round and look at him. Eren got himself back up as he looked at the soldiers, all of the soldiers were pointing there guns at him as Eren started to speak.

Eren: Sorry guy I was just wanting to know what you guys were doing.

Soldier 1: this devil thing he can talk to us.

Soldier 2: I thought Zeke turn all of them into titans?

Soldier 3: who cause, let just kill him and leave.

All the soldiers which included only about 10 people as they all aim there gun at Eren.

Eren: Wait, what do you mean you thought Zeke turn them into titans?

Soldier 1: ready

Eren: Hay answer me. What happened to that village.

Soldier 1: FIRE!!

All of the soldiers shot at Eren, all the bolts hit making him fall to the ground.

Soldier 5: that was easy.

As they all turn back round they didn't see Eren slowly getting back up with smoke coming off of him.

Eren: That... was a mistake.

The soldiers turn back round to see Eren now as Ghost Rider looking at them.

Soldier 1: What the hell!? Kill it!!!

All the soldiers fired there weapons at Ghost Rider but it did nothing. As the soldiers look in fear the titan that was if them, then came running at Ghost Rider to eat him. Only to get a chain wrap round it neck and throned back to the group of soldiers who were now scared shit less. Ghost Rider then pointed at all of the soldiers as he said one word to them.

Ghost Rider: Guilty.

All the soldiers quirky reload there gun as Ghost Rider started making his way towards them.

Soldier 7: Pieck, you need to go find Zeke and get out of here.

The titan slowly got up after ghost rider last attack, the titan then looked to the soldier as it started talking.

Pieck: But sir.

Soldier 7: that an order!

Pieck: yes sir.

Pieck start to run away as the soldier turn back to see that Ghost Rider was know right in front of him. He look pass his to only see all of his teammates bearded to death or were just gone. He then slowly look back at Ghost Rider as he look him in the eyes.

Soldier 7: please man, I- I'm sorry.

Ghost rider slowly opened his mouth as the soldier beg for his life. Ones his mouth was all the way open a single little bug would fly out as it landed on the man face.

Soldier 7: Wh-wh-what?

Before the man could say anything else the bug on him exploded blowing his head off killing him.

Ghost Rider: Now, time for the real fun.

Ghost Rider would then turn back to Eren as would bent down picking up the gun the man was hold. The man was holding a gun he never seen before, but something told him that it was a shotgun. Eren then grab the holster from the dead body as he put it on his back as he put the gun on his back. he got to the horse and started to follow where Pieck was going. Eren know if he was going to attack who ever did this would need a lot of energy to kill the person that done this.

Eren: 958 left.

The Ghost Titan (Aot x Ghost rider) (In The Void)Where stories live. Discover now