Can't Look Into his Eyes Yet

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Eren wakes up in a black void, he look round in till he sees him.

Eren: You right there, where I'm. Also who are you?

Zarathos: Did you forget are ready, it's me Zarathos. The one who gave you my power of the ghost rider now ghost titan.

Eren: W-What. I thought that was dream. Wait I made a deal with you, and in the deal I got your power, so what do I need to give you?

Zarathos: Ahh, will you see all you need to give me are souls.

Eren: So you want my soul.

Zarathos: No No No, I need you to go after the bad people of your world and give me there souls. Also those thing you call titan also have souls, so the more titan you kill the more soul I get, the more soul I get the powerful you can get. And it look like we are out of time for now. See you around kiddo.

Before Eren could say anything a bright light covered him and he wake up in the real world. He was still in the dungeon chained up, Eren sites up on his bed.

Eren: I'm sorry, but I need the restroom.

Soldier 1: No

Eren: Please give me some water.

Soldier 2: Hey... Know your place, monster.

Eren: Ah... (Thoughts) Monster? That's true, but... But they're so afraid of me, they have to chain me up? I guess I understand... It's not like I know what's happening, either. Maybe I'm lucky I'm not already dead. Come to think of it... those two weren't ever scared of me. What are they doing now? And the others... What happened to them?

Erwin: (Flashback) Give us a little more time. We'll persuade them somehow.

Eren: (Thoughts) It's been days since then. What's going on outside? I won't be in here forever, will I?

The door opens, and someone enters the room.

Eren: Ah...

Hange peers at Eren through the bars with her face right up against the cell.

Hange: Hmm!

Eren: Ah...!

Hange: So you're Eren, huh? Are you okay? Anything new?

Eren: Huh...?

Hange: Sorry to keep you waiting. But it seems you're finally getting out.

Eren: Ah...!

Hange: But you'll have to wear these.

Eren is let out of the cell in handcuffs. Hange, Eren, and Mike walk down the hall. Mike sniffs Eren.

Hange: I'm Hange Zoe, a Survey Corps squad commander. He's another squad commander, Mike Zacharius.

Eren: Umm...

Hange: Oh, he has the habit of smelling people he's just met...

Mike moves away from Eren and smirks.

Mike: Ha.

Hange: ... and then smirking.

Eren: Hmm...

Hange: I don't think it has any real significance. After all, he's good enough that they gave him a squad. Oh, sorry! Too much chit-chat. We're already here. Don't worry. It's actually better not to get any explanation in advance.

Two Military Police soldiers escort Eren.

Eren: Ah... Wait!

Hange: I know it's selfish, but we have no choice but to blindly trust you. Good luck!

The Ghost Titan (Aot x Ghost rider) (being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now