The Battle of Trost part 2

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Eren: Hey, Armin! Don't you think this is a great chance? If we prove ourselves here in this first battle, before even entering the Recon Corps, surely they'll promote us right up the ladder!

Armin: Yeah! Without a doubt!

Mina: Not to burst your bubble, but quite a few of us are aiming for the Recon Corps this year!

Thomas: I lagged behind you earlier, Eren, but I'm not losing this time!

Eren: That's the spirit, Thomas!

Thomas: Let's have a contest to see who can slay more Titans!

Eren: No fudging your numbers!

Soldier: Squad 34, advance! Assist the frontline guard!

Eren: Right! Let's go!

Squad 34: Yeah!

Eren, Armin, Mina, Thomas, Milieus, and Nack fly off the building toward the wall.

Mina: The Titans advanced this far?!

Thomas: The front guard's already been crushed?!

Nack: What are our glory hound seniors doing?!

Eren: (Thoughts) I expected the situation to be bad, but this... (out loud) An abnormal one! Watch out!

An Abnormal jumps from a building toward the group. Eren, Armin, Mina, Milieus, and Nack land on a nearby building. The Abnormal looks around from behind the building, holding Thomas in its mouth.

Thomas: H-Huh...?

The Abnormal swallows Thomas.

Eren: How dare you!

Eren heads toward the Abnormal.

Armin: Eren!

Milieus: Stop! Don't go alone!

Armin, Mina, Milieus, and Nack follow Eren.

Eren: Stop, you bastard! How dare you eat Thomas! You're not getting away!

While heading toward the Abnormal, another Titan bites Eren's leg off from below. Eren lands on the building.

Armin: Eren!

Nack: Ah!

Mina: Eren!

Another Titan grabs Back out of the air. A third Titan grabs the wire of Mina's 3D Maneuver Gear, pulling her back. A fourth Titan grabs Milieus.

Milieus: Stop! Please stop!

Armin falls to his knees on a building upon seeing Eren's body.

Armin: (Thoughts) Why... am I... watching... as my comrades... get eaten?

A Titan comes up to the building Armin is standing on. It picks up Armin and holds it over its mouth.

Armin: (Thoughts) Why... won't my body... move?

The Titan drops Armin into its mouth.

Eren: (Thoughts) Armin...

Scene changes to a flashback to Eren's childhood days. Armin is holding a book.

Armin: Eren! Eren! Eren!

Eren: What is it now, Armin?

Armin: Look at this book my grandpa was hiding! It's all about the outside world!

Eren: The outside world? But that's forbidden, isn't it? What if the Military Police find out?

Armin: Who cares about that now? According to this book, most of the world is covered by a huge amount of water called "sea"! And it's all salty water, too!

Eren: Salt? You're making stuff up now!
Salt is a treasure! The merchants would've exhausted the supply!

Armin: The "sea" is so vast, they can't ever deplete it all!

Eren: No way.

Armin: There's more than just mountains of salt! Fire water! A continent of ice! Snowfields of sand! The world out there must be far more vast than the outside of the walls!

Eren: The outside world...

Armin: And guess what! This is a secret, but my parents are going to the outside world soon!

Eren: The outside world...

Armin: Right, Eren? It'd be great if we could explore the outside world, too, someday.

Scene change Back to present day on the  battlefield. Eren musters up the strength to dive into the mouth of the Titan swallowing Armin. He grabs Armin's wrist and throws him back out to the building.

Armin: Eren!

Eren: You think I'm gonna die here?! Hey, Armin...

Eren reaches out his arm from the Titan's mouth.

Eren: You told me about it... So I'm going... to the outside world...

Armin crawls forward toward Eren.

Armin: Eren! Hurry!

The Titan bites down on Eren's arm, sending it flying toward Armin.

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