Completely healed, Percy guards his friends, Riptide in hand while he stares up at the Titan with defiance. Behind him, Grover stands between the now-conscious Annabeth and Clarisse, the girls' injuries no longer existent. Tyson grips the Fleece just beside the daughter of Athena, his jaw clenched under Kronos' gaze as he tries to keep from trembling.

"You," Kronos seethes, his eyes boring into the Cyclops' soul. Tyson swallows, holding firm as Clarisse steps in front of him. The Titan Lord begins to move forward, but another impact from behind him makes him turn with a roar of irritation.

And finally, he faces her.

The towering figure of a Titan does little to diminish the supernova that she is, divine essence nearly encasing her with its magnitude. Kronos' eyes narrow, watching as it burns down into the human who resides within. Flanked by night, her eyes shine as bright as suns, blinding as light off of fresh snow. Shadows flock to her hand, swirling and solidifying into a longsword that melds right into her palm.

"No." Her voice is distant, echoed by thunder strikes and tempests, seismic shocks and cyclones. Her heaven-bright eyes burn stronger than the fires of a hearthside, a vengeful appetite roiling within as though famine-struck.

(Y/N) tilts her head, grinning at Kronos' perplexed fury.

"I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting yet, have we?"

— x —

"Bad. Ass." Hades whoops, grinning. "Suck it, Dad!" Cheering, he pumps his fists in victory.

Zeus sighs, rubbing his temples. "She hasn't even done anything, Hades."

"Have you literally not been watching?" the king of the Underworld replies, his brow furrowed with incredulity. "She just barbecued a giant, healed three people before they probably died, got the Fleece back, and then totally freaked out Kronos. All—and I'm shamelessly bragging, here, but I feel like it's deserved—with my power." He claps, jumping like a wild sports fan. "That's my kid!"

Persephone raises a brow, head tilted as she looks at him. "That's your kid?"

"That's our kid!" Hades corrects, jumping once more.

"She's my kid."

"And I say she's my honorary kid."

"Nico won't like that." Despite the words, Persephone smiles fondly at her husband's enthusiasm.

"Nico doesn't like anything."

Hera scoffs, snapping once to get the couple's attention. "Hey. Focus up, okay? She might need our guidance."

Hades smirks in disbelief. Regardless, he lifts his hands with innocence. "Fine, fine," he concedes, wrapping his arm around Persephone's waist and pulling her close. "We'll focus up."

He bumps his hip against his wife's, and she nudges him in the ribs before looking back to the vision, concern swirling through her eyes.

Hestia sits back, relaxed. Her hands rest folded in her lap, breaths even and calm. Occasionally, her muscles tighten, jaw clenching with restrained emotions. Goddess of hearth and tranquility, yet her peace barely extends to the others.

Hecate remains in her darkened corner, hands clasped to keep herself from fidgeting anxiously. Her jaw stays tight, green eyes seeming to flicker with uncertainty and stress as she follows (Y/N)'s actions.

Demeter's foot taps in quick rhythm, and she rolls her scythe from hand to hand. The glints of light on metal flash in her periphery as she watches the magic pool, too fixated on the image to care how close the blade gets to her skin.

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