Chapter 1 (Rewritten 2020)

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The group hides in a van across the street from a high school. They all waited in the darkness of the van, ready to strike when they sensed her presence. Too many years they have waited for her, and today was the day she'd become theirs.

They felt a shift in their souls as she got in range of their van. One peeked through the passenger window and stared as she came closer and closer. None of their superiors had told them before it had been such a young girl, but they had a duty to the Church.

The second she stepped in front of the sliding door, they moved. She didn't have time to scream or struggle. Her green eyes had widened in shock as they all grabbed at her.

The van was already in motion when they had laid their hands upon her. She tried to struggle inside the darkness but it was hopeless. They outmatched her in all ways, but she did draw blood.

She had sunk her teeth into one of them and wouldn't let go. Her eyes showed a feral anger even in the darkness that made them flinch away. Orders were not to harm her, but their comrade was bleeding and her teeth were only digging deeper into his skin.

"Forgive me," One says as he hits her with a hard object in the back of her neck. Her eyes roll up and she slums to the ground. They bandage the wound and pray for forgiveness.

They have to keep her bound and gagged as they head to the Church all the way back in Japan. They even made sure to speak in Japanese around her so she wouldn't understand them and use that information to escape. It would be their heads if she ran.

She is forced to her knees, hands bound before her. She kneels before a man in white robes. He has grey hair that falls to his shoulders. He has a gentle smile on his face, but she could only feel fear.

"Welcome dear child," The man came down to kneel before her. He cupped her face as he studied her, a smile growing on his face. "You have a very strong aura, and there is a hidden power there, in your soul." His fingers harden on her cheeks, tears well in her eyes. "You're exactly what we have been looking for."

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