Chapter 5 ᯽ Into the Maze

Start from the beginning

He chuckled briefly before settling in and becoming comfortable. I did the same thing before he did, heaving a sigh and adding, "Goodnight, Newt."

"Night, Y/N." He said.

I soon closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.


I couldn't pinpoint exactly where the voices were coming from in the pitch-black abyss, so I just let my heart and instincts lead the way.

And they did.

I was in front of a boy I knew, but I couldn't really make out his face.

We appeared to be bickering about something, and I could tell since I was upset and my voice reflected my complete annoyance.

"We've got to keep trying to help them!"

"You know it's only a matter of time before they figure out what we're up to, and then what? We won't be able to assist them anyway, Y/N."

Shouts to open up a door could be heard along with loud bashing. I put the puzzle pieces together and assumed that whoever I was talking to and with, we were doing it secretly in a room where no one was meant to find us.

"Shit, they've found us!"

"Remember to act natural, and don't forget to join in with their little game—at least for the moment, to buy yourself some more time."

The remainder was all hazy and muddled, but I could barely make out the words.

"WICKED is good."

Then, nearly immediately after that, I heard a cry calling out for a certain boy from the Glade that I knew. One of the few boys I truly believed I could put my trust in at any moment.



Sitting up on my bed, I struggled for breath. I swiftly turned to look to my side and discovered Newt still fast asleep on the ground. I groaned and shifted my sweaty Y/H/C hair off the back of my neck and forehead.

I was certain that the one thing I had to do was find Thomas and tell him about my dream.

Assuming it even was a dream to begin with.

In an effort to avoid waking up Newt, I softly got out of bed, changed, and looked through my drawers for anything I could leave a note for when he was to awaken. I then quietly left the Homestead to go find Thomas, still hoping Newt wouldn't wake up anytime soon. I won't lie; I had assumed that I hadn't been asleep for that long, but it appeared that the sun had already begun to rise.

I was distracted from my thoughts when I saw Thomas and Chuck getting out of their hammocks. I quickly raced over to them, waving and grinning to greet them.

"Y/N! You're up early." Chuck smiled, obviously pleased to see me.

I yawned and said, "Yeah, well, didn't get much sleep last night either. I'm assuming you two didn't either?"

A frown spread across their faces as they shook their heads.

My shoulders sagged and I sighed, deciding this was my chance to talk to Thomas alone.

I attempted at lightening up the mood and it was successful since Chuck laughed, and nodded when I asked, "Hey Chuck, would you mind doing me a favor? Go grab some breakfast from Frypan and make sure Minho doesn't hog up all the bacon." We both said goodbye to Chuck before he left.

I'm not sure why, but I simply couldn't help but have a soft spot for that kid.

And I'm quite sure Thomas was aware of what I was thinking when he said, "He's a good kid."

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