"Really?!" Laria squealed.

Eddin winced, resisting the urge to cover his ears. His reply was in his normal, calm, quiet tone, "Yes, really. After dinner."

"Yay!" Laria turned to Vania. "You'll sit by me for the show, won't you?"

"Um, sure." Vania smiled. "I'd be happy to." She glanced over to Eddin, who was alternately rubbing his eyes and his ears. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. Just means I need to get my earplugs respelled." He dropped his hands and grinned. "Oh. Also, sis wants to talk to you." He pointed at the doorway, then turned back to Laria, picked up both the Quorkin and Mallea figures, and continued the battle.

"Okay." Vania glanced toward the doorway, then smiled at Laria and her mother, then Eddin. "I... guess I'll be back." Vania stood and walked stiffly out into the hallway, biting her lip as she winced. Sitting on the floor is not good for sore joints. She paused just outside the room, leaning on the wall.

"Vania," T'kanna greeted with a smile. "I was beginning to think my brother had forgot to ask you to come see me."

Vania quickly straightened, wincing as her hip gave a twinge of pain. "Lady T'kanna."

The a'marlon woman smiled broadly. "Just call me T'kanna. Or even Kanna, if you prefer." She held out her hands, gesturing down the hall. "Will you walk with me? There's another room I'd like to show you."

"What can I do for you?" Vania asked as she walked beside the lady of the house. They passed from the hallway into a wide, open room. A stairway curved along the opposite wall, and large double doors dominated the wall to the left. This is the entryway. Still looks a little dark, even during the day. Vania looked around the room. A dizzying scene of people and animals circled the top of the wall; paintings in gilded frames covered the dark wooden walls, interspersed with candles.

"Oh, nothing. Though, I did wish to apologize for my brother's appalling behaviour this morning. His actions were beyond unacceptable."

"He was very rude," Vania agreed. "But, I've dealt with rude men before, so it's nothing new. Just wasn't expecting it."

"Nor should you! It never should have happened. And you were injured as a result, as well." She gestured to a pair of chairs by the wall. "Sit. Rest. Our doctor will of course make sure everything is as it should be."

"No. It's just a pulled muscle. I'm fine," Vania argued as she sat.

"Well, rest assured, it won't happen again. I removed the spell he placed on the tub that made you slip, and I've sent D'tessa to purchase a new set of bathing steps. That was my oversight—we only ever had one set, since we rarely host more than one non-a'marlon at a time, and we had already placed it in the room of our other guests. I apologize." T'kanna sat in the adjacent chair. "I also updated the spell on your door; no one can enter without your permission, now."

"Oh, that's... very kind, but a bit much. You really don't need to trouble yourself. I can handle myself fairly well."

"I know you can," T'kanna smiled at her. "But we women need to stick together. Besides, it would be poor hospitality not to correct mistakes once they've been brought to light."

"Wait. You said there was a spell on the tub? That made me slip?" How come I didn't sense it?

"Yes. Nasty piece of work. It's gone now; you have my guarantee. And since the wards on your door won't allow anyone in without your permission, he won't have a chance to sneak in and try again." She sighed. "He's being confined to his room for all of today while I think of a suitable punishment." She grinned impishly at Vania. "What do you think? Since he had you slipping and falling and was terrorizing you while you bathed, what's a just sentence? Shall I lay a masked slip spell for him on his boots and he can trip and fall repeatedly while among his friends? Maybe make his clothing spontaneously turn invisible while he's talking up a lady?"

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