Chapter 21

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"Ah, D'merdon, there you are," a woman's voice greeted as they entered an airy, open room dominated by a long table circled by many chairs. "I was beginning to think you'd decided to go straight off to work."

"No, sis, you know I'd never do that," Eddin smiled. He straightened, taking Vania's arm gently and leading her over to the closest end of the table. "May I present Enforcer Vania Nahalora?"

Vania stepped forward, looking at the tall, black-haired a'marlon woman sitting at the head of the table, suddenly unsure if she was expected to say anything or bow or something.

The woman smiled, the expression lighting her tawny golden and brown eyes; "Good morning, and welcome to Buccareth house. I'm sorry that I didn't properly greet you when you arrived last night." She gestured to the two chairs nearest her. "Come, have a seat, both of you." As Eddin carefully pulled out the chair on the woman's right and gestured for Vania to sit, the woman leaned slightly closer; "Ah, Enforcer Nahalora. D'merdon has told me so much about your work together. May I call you Vania?"

"Ah. Um. Sure. Yes." Vania bit her lip, forcibly stilling her hands in her lap, preventing them from pulling her cloak closer. He may talk about me to you, but he's never mentioned you to me.

As Eddin took his seat across from Vania, he gestured between the two women; "Vania, this is my sister, Lady T'kanna Buccareth."

T'kanna smiled at Vania, then smiled and spoke quietly to the servants as they placed food before the two enforcers. One serving girl quickly came to the woman's side and handed her a fine teacup, placing the steaming pot close by on the table.

"Eat. Please. There is plenty of food, so don't be shy." T'kanna smiled and sipped from her teacup. "I apologize for not joining you, but I ate earlier, with our other guests." She exchanged a look with Eddin, then turned a smiling face back to Vania. "So. D'merdon tells me you'll be staying with us for awhile. Please, make yourself at home."

Vania replied quickly, "Oh, no. I'm not staying. Um." Vania bit her lip again. "I mean—thank you for the offer of hospitality, but I'm not here to stay; I only stayed last night because of Ed—D'merdon's—injury during his fight with that wizard."

T'kanna smiled; "You can call him Eddin if you like; I know that's what he calls himself at work." She looked over to Eddin. "You didn't tell her?"

Eddin swallowed his mouthful and shook his head; "Not yet."

"Told me what?"

"Little brother, you do a disservice to your guest, keeping her in the dark like this."

"What?" Vania asked, looking from one to the other.

Eddin sighed and looked blindly down into his glass for a moment, then took a drink, set it aside, and looked over to Vania. "That wizard told you I received special orders yesterday. After he murdered some of our fellow enforcers and two members of the city's Wizard Council."

"Yes," Vania replied slowly. She put down the orange segment she'd been about to pop into her mouth. "What's that got to do with this?"

"He didn't tell you that he'd returned to Laria's house and—"

"Oh, gods, Eddin, he didn't steal her away again, did he?" Vania grabbed the arms of her chair, beginning to stand. "I don't care what that stupid captain says, I am going to kill that wizard with my bare hands when I find him! We need—"

"No." Eddin held up a hand. "Sit down, Vania. Laria and her mother are both safe, but very shaken." After Vania slowly lowered herself back into her seat, he continued, "Remember how I told you one of our colleagues spelled a pair of bracelets for her and put protective wards on the house?"

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