Chapter 6

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A bright yellow sheaf of wheat on a wooden sign caught her eye; "Wait. Eddin, stop. We need to talk to the people here." She pointed at the bakery. The smell of baking bread warmed her nostrils as she ducked under Eddin's arm and slid off the horse. Ow. She cringed as her feet tingled from the impact, pins and needles climbing up her calves to her knees. Horse is too damn tall.

Eddin guided the mare closer to the building and easily dismounted; after murmuring a few words to the mare, he turned to Vania, "Are you all right?"

She rubbed her knees ruefully and grumbled, "Fine." She straightened and knocked on the door.

A familiar blue-horned head poked out; "I'm sorry, we're not open    ye—Vania."

"Good morning, Derry."

"Good morning." Derry opened the door fully. "Of course, you and—" he stopped, looking up at the towering a'marlon. He looked at Vania. "Who's this? What happened to your partner?"

Vania sighed and gestured between the men, "Derry, this is Enforcer Eddin Bucktin; he's my new work partner. Eddin, this is Derry Korallov, best baker in this part of town, maybe even the whole city."

"Good morning, sir," Eddin nodded.

Derry glanced around the street, slowing filling with people; "Well, you'd better come inside." His eyes caught on the tall bay horse standing behind Eddin. "You won't want to leave that fine mare standing there. She won't still be there when you return."

"Is there a place—"

"No, I don't have a stable," Derry interrupted. He pointed into the alley. "But, there's a small post you can tie her near the back door." Eddin nodded and walked his horse into the alley.

Vania threw the baker a questioning look; "A post for tying horses? By your house door? Since when?"

"Since a certain noble developed a taste for my baking. You never said where he was." Derry looked at her. "He didn't try anything, did he?"

"No, Derry. Bergin... transferred to the Merchant Quarter Station, so I had to get assigned a new partner."

"Oh. Pity, he seemed a decent enough fellow. Once you got past all his money." Derry peered down the alley at where Eddin could be seen, tying his horse to a small wooden post. "This one seems—"

"He can hear you," Vania interrupted. She gestured to her own ears. "A'marlon. And yes, he's fine."

"Does he—"

"No," Vania said quickly.

"Well, I hope he likes biscuits. The tarts aren't out of the oven yet. And I have your bread, whenever you have time to retrieve it." Derry ducked back inside, where a ringing bell could be heard.

Eddin joined Vania by the door; "Why are we here? Is this a social visit? Clearly, you're friends. And clearly, you and Enforcer Nahlstrom also spent some time here."

Vania sighed and pulled open the door; "No, this isn't a social visit. Come inside." Eddin followed Vania into the bakery. She led him to the table in the back, near the counter and the entrance to the kitchen.

"Vania! Good morning!" Derry's wife came from the kitchen, bearing a large tray of steaming biscuits. She maneuvered around the counter and placed the tray between the two enforcers. She looked Eddin up and down. "I heard we had a new guest. Hello. You look like you could eat!" She placed a clay jar of butter and a glass flask of honey near him.

"Licia..." Vania groaned, head dropping into her hands.

"Ma'am, we're not here to eat."

"You're at the bakery—of course you'll eat! Derry will be with you in a moment to handle your business." She whirled on her heels and disappeared back around the counter and into the kitchen.

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