Settling in with a Flagon

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Good evening, my friend, and welcome back. Glad you could make it. I see you brought friends this time. Wonderful! I enjoy meeting new friends. And none of you worry that you missed last night's tale; I shall quickly recap it for you before we begin tonight.

Now, while I tune my harp, here, let's see. Last night, we heard the beginning of Vania Nahalora's career as an enforcer. She and her work partner, Bergin Nahlstrom, took down the devious Lord Du l'Tagne after unfortunately wrongfully arresting Derry Korallov. During the investigation, it came to light that Bergin is the enforcer that killed Vania's parents all those years ago. Riddled by guilt, Bergin said he could no longer work with her.

Now, we pick up the story as Vania returns to work after the incident at Central Station. Who will be her new work partner? Will she ever be elevated from a recruit to a full enforcer? And what cases will they solve during tonight's tale?

I see you've all found seats and drinks; good. Get comfortable and pay attention. This tale is longer and more complicated than the last. Let us begin.


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Copyright ©2022 Christine Bronk. All rights reserved.

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