Chapter 16

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Vania opened her eyes with a quiet groan; her vision was blocked by the strange grey fabric of the divan's back cushions. Where...? Oh. Right. Derry's. She sat up and let her feet rest on the floor while she stretched. My back is killing me. Even lying on my side, there was too much pressure... Damn wings—too weak to fly, too delicate to block or fight with, a weak point in my spine... Utterly useless and very annoying. She stood and bent over, reaching her toes with ease, then continuing to bend and reach, sending her hands splayed out behind her heels. Ugh. My back needs a good stretch. She slowly straightened, then reached her hands fully above her head, bending herself backward; her spine popped in five places. Ow. Better, but still stiff. I'm too old for sleeping on couches, I guess. She placed her hands on her lower back and bent and stretched again.

"Good morning, Vania." Cianna smiled as she and her brother walked into the communal space.

"Good morning," Vania smiled, straightening. "Are you two helping in the kitchen again today?"

They both nodded. Kuran added, "Until after the lunch crowd. Then we're gonna go with Mom to the marketplace."

"The marketplace?" Vania frowned. She picked up the blanket and began folding it. "Is that safe?"

"That's why Dad wants us both to go with Mom," Kuran said. "We can watch over her and our little siblings."

"I see. Well..."

"Are you gonna come with us, too?" Cianna asked.

Vania smiled and ruffled Cianna's hair; "We'll see."

"Kuran. Cianna. Go on downstairs and help your mother." Derry emerged from the staircase, looking serious. After the children had disappeared downstairs, he pulled something from his pocket and handed it to Vania. "This was tacked to our door this morning."

Vania frowned; "What is it?" She flipped the paper in her hands, the clean white sheet evading her attempts at discerning its meaning. "What does it mean?"

"It's a warning."

"Nanda's gang," Vania said quietly, still staring at the blank parchment.

"Yes." Derry took the sheet from her hands. "This is what our sales ledger will look like, if we don't stop associating with you."

"What? Why?"

"There was also a note for you." He pulled a folded parchment from his pocket and held it out. "I already read it. Best way to check it for malicious spells. It's clean, in that regard, but nothing Nanda's thugs do is ever clean."

Vania took the parchment, swallowing. Her name in black ink stood out in sharp contrast to the pale parchment.

Vania Nahalora

Taila's daughter

Vania sighed, frowning, wondering aloud, "Why do they keep referring to me by referencing my mother?"

Derry sighed; "Nanda recognizes descent through the woman's side of the line, not the man's. Like the a'marlon do."

"But Nanda is tydring, not a'marlon."

He shrugged; "Her gang is predominantly women. I know she also tried to recruit your mother, back in the day."

Vania's mouth dropped and she looked over to Derry, "You don't actually think she's trying to recruit me for her gang, do you? I'm an enforcer, for the love of all the gods!"

"Ex-enforcer," Derry said quietly.

"I didn't get fired," Vania insisted. "I'm just... on an unplanned vacation."

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