Chapter 18

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Vania sighed as she locked the door. The evening crowd, always small, had been a mere handful. Every single patron had happily accepted the small bowl of cherry pudding and offered many well wishes for the babies.

Upstairs, the scent of warm bread and savory spices filled her nose. She hugged Licia and took turns holding the newborns while Derry put the finishing touches on the stew. After the meal, it was time for a rousing game of swords and arrows, even Cianna and Derry joining in the fray. Vania smiled and laughed, feeling the warmth of family. She hummed as she put the children to bed, then gave Licia and Derry another hug.

"Y-you don't really intend to go out there tonight?" Licia asked. "Your place may not be too far, but in the dark? With that killer still out there? And he already tried to kill you once? No." She shook her head firmly and grabbed Vania's arm. "No. Just stay here. There's no need for you to go running off—we're happy to have you."

Vania smiled as she gently removed her arm from Licia's grip. "No, Licia. I love spending time with all of you—you're family. But, I need to go home. Sleep in my own bed. I'll be fine—the enforcers are tracing that wizard—he might even already be in a cell—he won't dare try anything. And even if he does, with these on," she tapped the dull iron bands, "he can't put a spell on me. And are you really going to bet against me in hand-to-hand combat?"

"I know you can defend yourself, dear. But, I just worry..." Licia looked over to her husband. "Why don't you walk her home, dear? That way, we'll know she's safe and sound in her own bed tonight."

Derry smiled. "I was going to offer, but I'm certain she'll say no."

"It's no good if you were to walk me home, and then be out by yourself on the dark streets. I'd be honor-bound to return the favor, and we'd just keep walking back and forth between our houses until dawn."

Derry chuckled. "Well, now you sound like your father. Promise me you'll be careful." After she nodded, he added, "And I can at least see you to the door."

"Good night, Licia. Thank you for letting me stay last night and today." Vania pulled her cloak around her shoulders.

"Good night, Vania. Be safe. Thank you for taking care of the bakery today." Licia stood up, yawning. "Well, I'd better get to bed and get what sleep I may. Those two are bound to awaken soon enough."

As Derry walked beside her down the stairs, he turned to her; "Don't go to Nanda tonight."

"But, Derry—you saw how it was today. It'll only get worse."

He shook his head. "That may be, but it doesn't matter. Nothing Nanda and her gang does is ever good for anyone but themselves. No matter what information she promises or threats she makes, you can only count on one thing—her true interests lie only with herself." He paused, hand on the lock of the door. "Will you come back tomorrow?"

"I... think I'd better not," she said quietly. "At least for now. I bring a taint with me, and I don't want it touching the kids, or Licia, or you."

He scowled. "We'll be fine. Nanda's gang can't touch us. Don't you worry about that. For all the places she has her tendrils and all the people she has cowed, there are that many she hasn't. She likes to think she's at the top of a mountain, but really, she merely stands on a trash heap; she's not as powerful as she thinks she is." He smiled at Vania and gave her one more hug. "Come visit whenever you like. You're always welcome."

Vania hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Derry. For... everything. You've always been the family I never got to have. Thank you."

As he opened the door, he said, "Well, come back again sometime. You know how to find us. And be safe out there—you never know who—" He blinked at a tall silhouette in the doorway. "Hello?"

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