Chapter 17

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Vania sighed as the last customer exited, leaning on the counter heavily. I forgot how hectic this place gets in the morning... She sighed again. I also forgot how much the men leer, even when they're anxiously looking over my clothing for any hint of enforcer insignia. Or maybe they weren't looking for the wolf, but just... taking in the view. She cringed. Maybe I should get a wizard to spell my regular clothes, too.

She looked over at Cianna; "Why don't you go upstairs and check in with your father?" It's been quiet for awhile. I know we heard both babies squalling, so I assume everything's okay and they're all just resting. The girl nodded and ran. Vania looked out over the empty tables, then sighed, grabbed a rag, and began wiping fingerprints from the glass panes of the counter.

Derry came over, lines on his face; "How're things here, Vania?"

"Oh, fine, Derry. Morning rush is done." Vania smiled. "You'd better check on how I did the tarts and tassies. I know there's a special knack to them... It's been awhile, so... I may not have it anymore."

Derry smiled; "You're doing fine. We really appreciate the help."

"What's the news from upstairs? How's Licia? And the two new littles?"

"All healthy, praises to the gods. We had a bit of a scare when little Grava came out wrapped in the cord... Luckily, Eldara is well-seasoned; she knew exactly what to do. Licia, Grava, and Rantin are all sleeping, for the moment."

"Grava and Rantin? So, another girl and boy?" Derry nodded, smiling tiredly. "Congratulations!" Vania hugged him close. "I'm happy for both of you."

"Thank you." Derry looked around the counter, eyeing the high number of goods displayed. He frowned as he said quietly, "I know I shouldn't ask, but... how many did we lose today?"

Vania bit her lip. "There were a few people who walked out and said they didn't want to be served by me—they'd return once the establishment was once more staffed by 'reputable people.'"

"So, that bitch has already started."

"I—I'm sorry, Derry. Once you and Licia are back fully on your feet, I'll go."

"Nah. You're always welcome here. No matter what Nanda says. We don't need to serve her toadies, anyway."

Vania smiled sadly and whispered, "Thank you." But once you are able to run this place yourself again, I am leaving. I can't let her ruin you, just because of me.

"So," Derry leaned his back against the counter, crossing his arms as he faced her, "what's this I hear about you and Eddin kissing in the alley?"

"Wh—" Vania blushed furiously. "Who told you that? We never kissed in the alley, or anywhere. We're just work partners. That's all."

Derry smiled. "No need to be bashful, girl. It happens to the best of us. Licia, bless her, thought you and Bergin were an item. I don't think so. He strikes me more of the... brotherly... type around you. But Eddin? As soon as I saw him looking at you, I knew. He's got feelings for you."

You only just met him a few days ago, Derry. How can you know a person that quickly? Vania bit her lip, unable to look at Derry.

"Has he been behaving himself? Keeping his hands to himself?"

"Yes. O-of course."

"Good. I would expect that, given his background." Derry nodded his approval. "Now, the only question is, do you return those feelings?"

"Um. I—"

The door to the shop opened, a customer shaking the rain out of their cloak as they approached the counter.

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