Chapter 18: Not so Casual Day

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"Hey Y/N, was my father suspicious?" Michael asked as you settled yourself into the passenger seat.

"Actually, yes. He told me to tell you that if you don't go to school you'll be working the night shift at Freddy's."

For some reason unbeknownst to you, Michael's face paled. He didn't speak for a few moments and there was a pregnant silence. You were just about to continue before he spoke up.

"Alright, I'll tell the others. We can do what I had planned another time."

You were shocked that he was actually obeying his father but you complied and nodded. Michael pulled out his phone and called his friends. You wondered why the night shift was so horrifying to him. You would ask him another time.

"So, what time did you get home last night anyway?" You asked Michael as soon as he hung up the phone.

"Uh, pretty late. Probably around five." A part of you was concerned about his body functioning. How is he going to be able to focus in school on a hour of sleep?

"Why did you decide on getting home so late?"

"What are you my mom?" Michael scoffed. He seemed to be avoiding the topic. Your eyes narrowed at him.

"No, I'm just a friend concerned for your well-being. It's dangerous for you to be out at night." You scolded.

"I wasn't alone. I was with the others." Michael pointed out. Some part of you was slightly offended you got no invite, even if they were just smoking.

"Smoking doesn't take six hours."

"Getting laid does."

You jumped at the information. Woah. You didn't take Michael as that type of guy, and another part of your heart was chipped away from hearing that. You didn't exactly know why...

"Um, what?"

"I mean, not me. Vincent. He was picking up girls at our smoking joint. We had to wait for him cause he was the one driving us."

You silently sighed in relief at hearing that. Why? You asked yourself. You didn't know. You had just befriended Michael. You definitely didn't have a thing for him.

Definitely no—

"I would never do something like that with a stranger."

"Yeah, that's probably smart. You don't want diseases or anything." You tried to joke but the conversation was just making you more and more uncomfortable. You decided to change the subject.

"Where did you sleep when you got home?"

"Oh, I didn't. I just sat in the car for an hour and went on my phone."

You stared at Michael in slight awe.

"Well, Liz and I may have crashed in your bed, sorry..."

Michael actually chuckled at that. You smirked since he didn't really seem to mind.

"She does that a lot anyway, and it's fine. You can do that anytime you want." Michael's statement made you blush and you turned away from him a bit, focusing on the road. Thankfully, you were pulling into the school.

Once the two of you got out of the car you met up with the others outside of entrance. They were all standing together, Fritz and Vincent arguing like usual.

"You were so hammered you couldn't even tell who was who!"


"So?! So?! You told my parents that they are cock-sucking midgets!"

You and Michael burst into laughter along with the group as you approached them. Everyone was laughing accept Fritz, who was glaring at Vincent. Vincent was just smirking with his arms folded.

"Alright, you punks done laughing? Schools starts in two minutes." Michael snorted.

"Sure thing, Mikey. As soon as you tell—"

"Shut up, Jeremy. Let's go Y/N."

The others laughed behind us as we walked in, but shockingly the school's atmosphere was different than before. Everyone was staring at you.

"Michael, people are staring at me."

"Y/N, I assure you, you are not that good looking." Michael chuckled.

You glared at him until you saw a paper taped to a random locker. You walked away from Michael, who noticed your absence and quickly followed behind you.

The others were also gathered behind you two as you looked at the paper.

Your eyes widened in shock.

The paper had a photoshopped picture of you doing drugs. The caption says "New kid sells drugs to Peyton but he refuses so she uses physical force."

You nearly rip the paper from pure anger.

"It's what you get, you little bitch." You hear a familiar voice behind you.


Son of a Monster (Michael Afton x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu