"What do you mean?" Juvia asked, confused.

"You've lost all your confidence." Erza said. "That's unlikely of you. Yes, you may be a little shy but still confidence lies in you before..."

"Am I not?"

Levy shook her head. "No, you're not. We know things have changed. You've become a mother and maturity looks good on you. You seem always tense and scared."

Juvia was shocked as she heard that. She looked at the girls, who agreed with Levy. She looked down. They were right. She became anxious of herself and everything. Even her feelings. Even for Gray. She doesn't know when she became like this.

All the girls sighed. Then Erza speaks, "Well, Juvia you don't have to be like that anymore. Nobody is judging you with whatever."

Juvia looked at her. "I'm not thinking that way."


The dinner goes on until 10 in the evening. Juvia suggested that they should go home early because they brought Xander with them. The kid needs to sleep early and it's already late for Xander to sleep. Their friends also did the same. They already smell like beer and the guys are drunk. Luckily, Gray brought his driver with him. He had guessed this is what will happen.

"Are you okay?" Juvia asked Gray as he walked towards her. His walks are unsteady and his eyes are sleepy.

He grinned at Juvia. "Well, yeah."

Juvia chuckled and shook her head. He's not okay. Maybe, she shouldn't have asked him. They all left the restaurant and waved each other good bye. They walked towards the parking lot. Juvia is worried about Gray and at the same time, she couldn't help but laugh. Gray is really drunk. His face is red. His eyes are unfocused. His walks are unsteady.

"Baby, look at Dadda. He walks like you when you're 9 months old." She whispered to her son who already fell asleep in her arms.

Gray stopped walking and turned around to face Juvia. Juvia stopped walking, too. Gray showed his toothy grin at Juvia. Juvia laughed again.

"You are so drunk, Gray." She said. Gray grinned again and walked towards her. "Do you need a hand?" She asked. He shook his head.

Gray barely made it towards Juvia. It was a few steps anyway but Gray's walks are unsteady. He stood inches apart from Juvia and Xander. She smiled at him.

"What?" She asked.

He shook his head. "Nothing." He paused and sighed, looking at his son and its mother.  He proudly grinned. "I'm the luckiest man in the world." He said.

Juvia blushed. And she was stunned. Her back straighten and she felt her hair rose up. It was a good feeling, thought. The giddy kind of shiver. The so-called butterfly in the stomach feels.

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