"I don't care, I want the result.. Do whatever it's takes to serve that.."

Saying this she threw the phone over the wall, shocking Sahil to the core her behavior and aura was quite new to him but considering the circumstances he didn't thought much. And followed her from behind in silence in case she needs him.

"What you think will happen?.. He's going to get married but now.."

"Dipali calm down, his health should be our priority.."

Sahil calmed her, which made her huge him, his gaze darken as he realize she mean to take full control of everything around, He really underestimated her

"The situation seems quite grave, why you didn't file complain my friend?..

Smiling faintly at the question, while pouring tea in cup for him. He replied in low tone which was low but audible enough you people in room.

"A men alone can't fight a crowd.. And against how many people I should complain?..

"Alright, I had taken your request in consideration and immediately make arrangements for Security here.."

Sitting on couch she stared at her hands, listening the elderly men in uniform. Who was talking with her father Siya didn't even react much if not for her breathing anyone will mistake her to be a statue.

"Siya, I'm not pressuring you, but it's time, you take action against him.. Don't you want him to pay?..

"I do, but I'm afraid he'll find me and again...

Trembling she look held her palm together, making Alok to curl his fist in rage realising how terrified his daughter is of that monster who might be living his life remorselessly. Without facing any ordeal unlike them , who are suffering each day despite being a victim.

"You don't worry, we'll make sure to keep your identity remain safe.."

"That's not it he's..

"Siya Trust me, I won't let you guys be in harm anymore.."

"I actually I don't actually know what's his name, or his identity...'

"But there must be something you know or saw to make us find him right?..

"The Grey Manor, where I was kept it, was situated far from residential area, near Holt, I attempt to escape but.."

"Hm, anything else?.. About him?..

"He was tall, fair, well-built Pale Dark red eyes...and...'

"That's to Vague there are many, who are fair tall with such eyes.."


"Be more specific dear, so it can help us to trace the person or find him..

Siya thought allot, but what can she tell? There was nothing which could expose him. Except his devilish look which she can't brief clearly, heartless cruel intent which left her traumatize for life, or his rich influential lifestyle which made her incapable of escaping him. She try to recall clearly despite shivering with fright of relieving the Brutal nightmare which was her reality.

"It was the watch...a kind I have never seen..


"Yes, a Big dial like Rolex or Omega, the colour of the dial will change continuously..I..

"Hm, Anything else?.. Did he told you reason of demanding cancellation of wedding?"

"No, he didn't, but he did said things like it's for family..

Tears strem down on her cheek on her Incapability, to mark her Offender. She knew if she couldn't give anything informative he'll escape, and she'll never get chance to punish him. But what she can do? Not for once the people call his name, or he spoke anything which could expose him. Even though he seems confident enough to face no issue.

"We'll try tracing the number you receive the call from.. And try finding this Private Grey manor near Holt..

"Thank you..

"However let Me tell you, it won't be easy, and it'll take time..

Alok nodded as the Men stood up and walked out. However listening Siya statement he felt the case is hopeless. But he didn't dare to speak his opinion out to her.

"You call these proposal?.. Even third standard kid can make better.."

Throwing the bunch of papers at side of table, while sitting on revolving chair, in the lavish cabin. The men retorted coldly in low audible enough for the concern person.

"But sir this was the fin..

"Show me your face, when you have satisfactory proposal with you..

Dismissing him with glance, the men look back at the pile of files ahead of him. Huffing in annoyance over the workload he rubbed his cheek. When his phone rang loudly aiming for his attention. Without sparing a glance at the Caller ID he received the call and put it on speaker.


"Don't call me that.."

Immediately cold expression appear on his face, listening the voice as he retorted by prohibiting the person from calling him.

"Fine Samrat.."

"You don't have right to call me by my name either...

"Will you listen what I have to say? It's urgent..

"None of my concern.."

"Your cousin Abhimaan, he met with an accident."

"His birth was accident itself.."

"He he's in critical condition.."

"I'm not Doctor..

"Don't be like this , we need you here."

"Unless he's dead or your business going bankrupt don't disturb me.."


"We have nothing to do with each other.." Mind your own business.."

Saying this he cuts the call and gritted his teeth at the audacity of them , then closed his eyes. As the flashes of past replayed in his mind. When he was starved and heartlessly tied up in cage with most brutal breed of two Indigenous Himalayan Mastiff.

"Sir, may I come in.."

Hearing the knock he comes to present, then hm in reply only to watch his assistant stepping in with files which needed to be sign by him.

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