Episode 32: The last dawn of Raccoon City

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-Oh, I didn't introduced you well. He is Solid Snake from FOXHOUND. He was sent here to investigate Umbrella. He helped us and found very shocking truths and how the infection started- Carlos said.

-Wow, FOXHOUND. I've heard of you and FOXHOUND in my days in the Delta Force. It's an honor to meet you in person sir and I am glad to know that you are here to help us- Jill said feeling a mix of admiration and relieve, making a military salute.

-Delta Force, huh? Interesting, I can see why you are so skillful and managed to survive that mansion and this dammed city- Snake said.

-Do you know about the Mansion Incident?- Jill asked.

-Yeah, my superiors gave me all the data regarding the prior cases of the T-Virus outbreaks, but even they doesn't have all the information of Umbrella's B.O.W.- Snake said.

-I can see that Umbrella feels that it is over the law. How this nightmare started?- Jill said.

-Well...- Snake said explaining to Jill how he got that information and that, in summary, the T-Virus outbreak begin due to the fight of William Birkin and Umbrella to control the G-Virus.

-Shit! Chris was right, they were already working on another virus those crazy bastards!- Jill shouted angrily punching the altar that was her bed.

-It doesn't help us you to get angry. What you Colonel told you Snake?- Carlos said.

-They said that we might get more chances of being rescued if we move to the perimeters. He mentioned that there was a dead factory in the north of the city in which a special force team was sent, but they lost contact with them several hours ago. It doesn't too much, but that place could be the only place in which a chopper could reach and rescue us- Snake said.

-I know where that dead factory is- Jill said.

-Well, is better than nothing- Carlos said.

-Let's go- Jill said.

After they ate the last rations of Snake, then went out of the Clock Tower. They were about to leave their terrains when suddenly someone broke out the entrance of it. The causant was the Nemesis, which had the upper part of his protective coat destroyed and with several tentacles moving around his body, but all the wounds of his last battle with Jill Valentine where healed.

-So that's the big monster, huh?- Snake said starting to shoot at the head, being surprised that the bullets didn't killed him and he was just keeping advancing.

-STAAAAAARSSS!- Nemesis shouted.

The Nemesis launched one of his tentacles to Jill. Jill dodged the attack but not Tyrell, who received the attack and was launched to a wall, hitting his back badly.

-Tyrell!- Carlos shouted to run to help his comrade.

-How this fucking this is still alive!?- Snake asked after he emptied the magazine of his gun and reload it.

-I made the same question every time he returns for more- Jill said tacking out the machine gun.

Nemesis launched several of their tentacles to the duo, but they managed to keep the tentacles a bay with their shoots, managing to even cut some of them. Nemesis launched a big scream of fury and then went to a ruins of the door, where he grabbed the propellers of the helicopter that he crashed the other day and cut them with easy, launching one to Jill, which barely dodged jumping to the ground.

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