Chapter 22: Perfect

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Six months of being married, 2 months of being pregnant and 2 months from my kidnapping. It's so crazy how a person's life can change in a matter of months. I never imagined myself in the position I am right now. I always found a thrill in going out on missions not worrying about anyone except my parents and siblings not even myself just them. Now all I do is stay at home and worry about a man I didn't even want to marry, a man that became my whole world in just a few short months, a man that makes me feel like the only woman on the planet, a man that loved his child just because it's a part of me too. I love him I truly do and the best part in all of this is that he loves me too. 

When Atlas leaves in the morning for work I always get this sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. I'm afraid to lose him to our very cruel very dangerous world. Now I'm not just thinking about my husband but also the father of my child, my unborn child. The fear of my baby growing up without their father eats me up day and night. I'm really scared that I'll lose him, that we'll lose him. 

Everything seems perfect, way too perfect and something inside me is telling me that something isn't right. I don't want to trust my gut feeling for the very first time in my life. I just want to live without having to worry about something going wrong. 2 months of peace and quiet and I'm still not okay with that, god there must be something wrong with me. I feel like I'm just a magnet for chaos and destruction. 

I've been attached to Atlas a lot lately and I'm mostly blaming it on the baby. So on a limb I decide to go to his club and bother him while he's working because I'm sick of staying in this ginormous mansion all alone with a bunch of guards. 

I get upstairs and get dressed into some comfortable shorts and a tank top basic summer outfit. I don't wanna be pregnant and sweaty double gross. I throw on some dunks and I grab my phone and head down stairs. Since the whole kidnapping thing happened Atlas added double the guards everywhere I am. So I let the four guards I have to take with me know that I'm surprising Atlas and not to tell him anything. They nod politely and get the car ready. 

The drive to the club he was in today was about 23 minutes from our estate. I walk through the doors with a simple nod to the men at the door that already know who I am. I became familiar with his clubs now so I know my way around. I head towards his office excited to see my husband after 5 hours of not even a text. 

I walk in the door not even bothering to know because why would I. Time freezes right then and there. I'm in complete and utter shock I don't know how to react to what is being unfolded Infront of me. My husband who I love oh so very much has his tongue down the same whore I saw the night I came here's throat. "What the actual FUCK Atlas" I finally manage to speak through the tear glossed eyes and heartbreak. I can't breathe I feel like I'm hyperventilating, I'm almost 100% sure the room is spinning slightly. 

They stopped kissing and not even a hint of panic flashes over his features. Did I really fall for a game? Was I really that dumb and naïve to actually love this man? Is this a cruel prank? Tears are streaming down my face as I just stare at her sitting comfortably on his lap with a satisfied grin drawn on her features. The same lap he used to place me on and cuddle with me another girl is now sitting on it as if she owns him, as if he wasn't even mine in the first place. To say I'm hurt is an understatement. I'm devastated, my child never deserved any of this I never deserved any of this all I did was love him. 

I feel like a dumb little kid that got lied to with a piece of candy. I feel as if I'm in a movie and this is all part of some sort of script. I take a deep breath "why" I break out trying to hold back some of my tears. He stares at me blankly with absolutely no fucking emotion whatsoever. "WHY" I scream my anger bubbling deep inside of me. He looks at me with what looks like a look of pity. I can't stand that look from anyone that's when I start backing out of the room. I hit a hard chest and look up to see Leo. He's giving me the same look of pity. I wipe my tears with the back of my hands and take in a huge gasp of air. "My lawyer will send you the divorce papers Mr. Angelo" I say giving him the same blank stare he gave me earlier. I flash of hurt flashes over his features for no more than a second. 

"I'm disappointed that's all I have to say to you, oh and from now on don't contact me unless it has anything to do with the baby otherwise I never want to speak to you again, you disgust me Atlas Angelo more than you can ever imagine" I say disgust appearing on my features. 

I motion for one of the guards standing close to the door to get the car from valet. He nods and runs to get it. 

I start making my way out of the club and when I step out the door I feel a tight familiar grip on my wrist. "Bella please" I hear Atlas pleading. I snatch my wrist from his grip and glare at him "six fucking months, six fucking months of being married and you stayed a hoe, but hey no shaming enjoy fucking your bitches for the rest of your life, but guess what Atlas? I'm not one of them, I made it clear from the beginning that I wasn't going to keep your bed warm at home and you didn't listen so get the fuck away from me."   

Hurt flashes in his eyes but he does and good enough job to hide it "I love you so much Bella, I can't handle losing you, this wasn't supposed to happen, I don't want her or anyone as a matter of fact I want only you amore" Tears well up in my eyes as he speaks I take in a huge breath and exhale. 

"I guess we just aren't made for each other my love, what we had was love but it's clear it wasn't strong enough Atlas, you'll find her but clearly I'm not her". I say getting into the car not leaving room for any more discussion. 

~The End of Book 1~ 

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