Chapter 14: Attached

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The ringing of gun shots rang in my ears, suddenly Atlas stood right in front of me protecting me. He gets his gun out and the second the men of both our outfits see him they do the same. The gun shots stop and Atlas says "IF YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING TO TOUCH A HAIR ON MY WIFE YOU HAVE ANOTHER THING COMING".

I wasn't panicking or anything but all I was really worried about were the screaming and crying children. "Bellissima stai bene?" his face crunching up in worry while our men move shooting the intruders. "Atlas we should help" I try my best to reason with him because it is clear that he doesn't want to move a muscle from where I am. "Fuck no Bella, they are after you love" he says leaving no room for negotiation. Translation: Beautiful are you okay?

"Atlas our men are going to die without our help" I try again with him because I am more than capable of helping my men fight. "Amore Mio our men are very well trained they are doing just fine" I realized that there is no point in trying with him right now. I get the gun I hid under my dress and started shooting every one of them that comes our way like Atlas was doing.

"Boss was right you look very fuckable" one of the Russian men said while he was approaching us. The second Atlas heard him he shot him twice his head hitting the ground hard. "I don't like how these fuckers see you Bella"

"Love I'm supposed to be all yours it doesn't matter how they see me" I say to him shooting a Russian. "You aren't 'supposed to be all mine' you are all mine Mi Amore. I can't help the butterflies that take over my body. A Russian Infront of me shot me while I was daydreaming, I let out a loud grunt as my body starts going stiff but I used the last of my strength to shoot the Russian before he tried to shoot Atlas from behind.


When I thought most of the Russians were dead I hear Bella grunt really loudly after I spoke. I turn to her and see that she managed to shoot the man that shot her but now she was bleeding and all I could see is red, fucking red, "FUCK BELLA" I shout the room goes silent for a few seconds and my men shoot the rest of the Russian fuckers.

The church is now so fucking quiet I can hear my own heart beat. Bella is on the fucking ground and I lose it "GET THE FUCKING DOCTORS". "Mi amore don't close your eyes" I try my best to distract her from the oozing blood that's coming from her abdomen. "Atlas this isn't the first time I get shot calm down I'll be fine" she says trying to close her eyes. "No Bella, don't fucking close your eyes" I tell her sternly.

Her once white dress is now Crimson Red. Her mom and brother are now freaking out. My men are running around calling our multiple family doctors and Lily is crying. My brain is all fuzzy. She can't die we just got married, we still have many arguments to have, makeup sex after those arguments, kids to make, have, love and watch grow.

I don't love Bella but we have our whole Destiny to live through. I made her see what an asswhole I could be when we had sex the first time. I was supposed to fix that, I was going to try and break her, bend her to my will, break her strong exterior because I know there is a soft weaker person inside her. This can't be the end, I won't let this be the end.

I pick up Bella bridal style and tell my men to tell the doctors to meet me at my penthouse it's a shorter drive for them and I'll get there faster. We can't take her to the hospital, they'll want to file a police report and that will get the outfit in a lot of shit. I asked her mom what her blood type is so the doctors can bring some extra blood with them incase she lost to much.

I get her into the back seat and her mom comes with us. she sits where her head is and put it on her lap. I speed through the city breaking every speed limit that passes me. I get to the pent house in 13 minutes when it usually takes 25 minutes. I park and carry Bella out of the car to the elevator with her mom following close behind us. I got a call that the doctors got here 4 minutes ago and I told them to get the equipment needed to get this bullet out of her. She is falling unconscious, once we got into the elevator I press the up button like 10 times.

I step out of the elevator and see all 4 doctors with a makeshift hospital set up. They are all wearing surgeon scrubs and gloves. They tell me to place her on the surgery table in the middle of our living room.

They ask us to leave the living room so they don't get distracted and I lead her mom to the guest room where there are extra pajamas there and I go to our room and loosen my now very tight tie. Those fucking Russian fuckers are messing with the wrong people. I take the glass next to the scotch bottle and pour me a glass. I take a sip and throw the glass, it hits the wall smashing into little pieces. I am so fucking mad right now.


about 10 hours passed by and they finished the surgery 3 hours ago. They said she would wake up in an two or four hours and that she is in good condition right now. They let me move her to our bed with her monitor. They also said they are going to come and check on her daily to make sure the wound is healing correctly. There is no internal bleeding thank god. it is currently 12:35 and my mom called everyone telling them the wedding reception is canceled and that we just did the ceremony.

I am currently sitting on my side of the bed reading a book waiting for her to wake up. I changed her into some pajamas so she could be more comfortable. I'm almost done with the book between phone calls about what happened and reading time has been going pretty fast.

I feel the bed move while I'm reading and I look down at her and see her long eyelashes fluttering. "Bella?" I tap her lightly on the shoulder. "Atlas?" "where am I?" her voice comes out rough and scratchy. I get up and walk over to the other side of the bed and grab the water pitcher and pour some in the cup next to it.

I get Bella up slowly so I can give her some water. she takes two small sips and moves my hand away. "What happened to the Russians?" she asks. "Don't worry your pretty little head with that right now amore" I say sternly because I don't want her thinking about the fuckers right now.

"Who changed me?" she asks looking at me as if she knows. I smile at her "I did". Her face drops "What! Why!" she practically screams as loud as she can. "Bella you were wearing a bloodied wedding dress of course I needed to change you." plus "It's not like it's something I've never seen before" I add. Her face goes red and she rolls her eyes. "You're annoying" She says.

"I heard you scream my name at the church before I knocked out" She said. "What can I say amore I think I've gotten attached to you"

She chuckles then grunts "I'm just that great even asswholes can't get enough of me. "I'm not that bad Bella". "Bitch you fucked me and then threw me like a rag doll you finished playing with, you are terrible" she says rolling her eyes.

I know what I did was fucked up and that it really got to her because she was acting very different after it happened. I frown a little and go to my side of the bed and bring our pillows as close as possible. I close the lamps next to our night stands while she's still sitting up. I pull her close to me and wrap my hands around her body gently. "What are you doing Atlas?". "Holding my wife Bella" I say while placing a kiss on her forehead.

I realized that I did what I did because I didn't want this girl to become my new addiction. I didn't want to get to attached to her, but I just realized it's far to late for that.

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