Chapter 3: Piccolo

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Recap from last chapter

The second she went into that room my brothers gave me a weird look. I glared at them because I know what they're thinking. They're thinking I like the big bosses daughter but getting involved with a girl like her is a death sentence waiting to happen. She isn't just a quick fuck and you can leave no strings attached she can destroy both me and my family with one little call to her daddy. 

Sure the girl has nice tits and a great ass but I wouldn't risk the whole New York Famiglia because I couldn't keep it in my pants and went for the one girl I know I can't have. Plus the girl is a loud mouth she never shuts up and honestly I'm trying to live headache free. 

My mom walked over to me and sat were she was sitting and looked at me with calculating eyes.  "Atlas you could be little nicer to the big bosses daughter we don't want her to complain about staying in New York with us because she doesn't feel welcomed" she said to me her voice low so Bella won't hear. 

"Mom stop talking to me like I'm 12 I won't ruin anything for my mafia so stop worrying" I said to her

she nods her head and walks back to her seat. This whole thing is stupid if the Mexicans and the Russians weren't on our asses all the time we wouldn't even have to deal with little miss princess, but no they always have to be annoying ass pricks. 



I just woke up and honestly that felt like the longest fucking nap I've ever taken in my life. I feel more energized and ready to take on New York and it's Asswhole Capo. I get off the bed and stretch before going to the mirror in the room and putting my hair in a messy bun with the hair tie around my wrist.  I walk out and find everyone wide awake, I go back to me seat and notice Adrien and Anthony are watching a movie while tightass is doing work on his computer. I turn my phone back on and connect it to the jets wifi. 

I reply to all the messages from my friends that are wishing me a safe trip and I notice a text from mamma saying Donte came back from school crying about me leaving and it broke my heart. I put my AirPods in and Facetimed her. After about 3 rings she answers. 

"Hi my love how's your flight" she says to me 

"Hey It's good I just woke up from a nap" 

"Are you almost there" she questions 

I look up and ask Adrien when we are going to land 

he answers saying an hour 

"We have an hour" 

"That's good mi amore" 

"Can I see him I can't believe I left without saying goodbye to him" 

I suddenly feel a glance from Atlas but I decided to ignore it I hear my mom calling Donte to come talk to me and then I see his big blue eyes staring back at me through the camera, and all I can see in my eight year old brothers eyes is sadness and disappointment. 

"Hii babyyy, how are you" I try my best to block out the pain I'm feeling and put on the best fake smile I can muster 

I'm really hoping he doesn't hate me 

"You promised" is the only thing that came out of his mouth 

"Donte what are you talking about" I break out 

"You promised you wouldn't leave me like he did but you left without even saying goodbye to me just like he did" He said through some of his tears 

"Dante I'm only leaving for a little while not for long please don't hate me my love" 

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