Chapter 12: Used

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I'm getting married tomorrow and I can't even look at my soon to be husband without wanting to murder him. After the night he basically used me, we haven't had one conversation that didn't end in an argument. I didn't dare to bring up that night because I feel like talking about it would most definitely make me sick. My problem is I don't even fully blame him, I felt cheap and easy. I should have never gave into him so easily. I felt like one of his sluts, one that he is stuck with for life.

I was currently sitting on the coach watching Criminal Minds enjoying my last night of freedom, Ironic I know. I missed the missions my dad used to give me, now I feel like I have no purpose except to sit still and look pretty, becoming the perfect trophy wife.

I hear laughter and giggling from the elevator so I turn and see Atlas, Brianna and Leo. Atlas looks like he could practically jump Brianna any second, and she is giggling like an idiot whispering things in his ear. I simply glare at them and smile at Leo.

I can't take this. I don't wanna sit here knowing he wants to fuck this bitch in OUR house. So I get off the couch and walk over to them glaring at the bitch. I suddenly have the urge to see her suffer.

"Babe what is the trash still doing in your house" she snarls. I think I can't glare at this bitch harder. I will fucking lose it on her. I'm supposed to marry this man and I'm not dealing with his whores in my house. She has no fucking Idea who I am.


A hint of fear shines in her eyes and she backs away slightly. A smirk takes place on my face. Leo walks towards me and stands next to me. "Now" I state.

"Who the fuck do you think you are to be ordering him around like this" she says glaring at me. I let out a laugh "We're getting married tomorrow so I can say or do whatever the fuck I want, love" I let out rolling my eyes.

"I can bring who ever I want in my house and you aren't going to stop me" Atlas says looking me dead in the eye giving me one of his cold expressions. I let out a chuckle "fine" I say.

If he thinks I'm going to stay in this house while he is fucking another bitch a day before our wedding arranged or not, he's got another thing coming. I run upstairs and go straight into our closet. I pack an over night suitcase and my wedding dress, I also pack my makeup and toiletries and two guns.

I change into black biker shorts and a cropped tank top, I also stuff my pocket knife in my shorts pocket. I get up and pull the bag towards the door grabbing my phone and closing the lights.

I pick up the suitcase as I head downstairs, when I notice Leo is yelling in Atlas's face. I can tell Atlas is getting angrier and angrier by the second.

"Leo, lets go" I say pretty loudly. I glare at a smirking Brianna. I'm suddenly grabbed by the waist and pulled to a body, I look up and see Atlas. "Where do you think you're going?!" he says.

"None of your business" I say getting out of his arms and reach. "Of fucking course it is my business Bella you're going to be fucking wife" he grits. "Oh nice of you to remember" I say rolling my eyes. "What are you on about Bella" his facial expression right now would scare a whole group of grown men. "You know what forget it, Leo lets fucking go and give them some privacy" I say shaking my head. "Ok" Leo answers.

"See you at our wedding Atlas" I say before the elevator doors shut.


The second we get in the car Leo asks where we're going. I think going to Atlas's parents house is the safest option given the circumstances.

It was a 20 minute drive with Leo's speeding.

We go through the huge mansion gates, and drive up to the drive way of the estate. I get out of the car and Leo gets out of his side and goes to grab my bag from the trunk.

I walk over to the huge double doors and ring the door bell. Their maid Mary answers the door and greats me.

"Who is it Mary" I hear Liliana shout. "It's Bella ma'am" Mary shouts back.

I hear her heels clicking on the marble floors before she appears at the door "Bella, cosa ci fai qui tesoro?" she says with a knowing look on her face. I wasn't going to tell her the truth though, because this marriage means the world to my parents. Translation: What are you doing here sweetie?

"Volevo solo passare una notte da sola prima di sposarci, spero che vada bene" I say to her noticing the spark of empathy that appears in her eyes. Translation: I just wanted to spend a night alone before we get married, I hope that's okay

"I'm sorry I came by so late, I know I should have let you know" I say with regret because I just might have ruined her evening.

"Don't worry dear it's really not a problem" she lets me in the house.

She leads me to one of the guest rooms saying something about tomorrow being a big day and that I should be well rested.

I let out a small "thank you" before she leaves and shuts the doors leaving me in my own silence. I break down everything finally hitting me, my life changing so drastically in such a short amount of time, my chance of having a husband that actually loves me and my freedom. All and everything out of my grasp. My life is over as I know it and I just have to sit and watch it crumble piece by piece.

Atlas fucking Brianna wasn't surprising, him bringing her to our new home was. Most men in the outfit are never loyal to one women, but it isn't to the point where they would bring their mistresses in the houses they shared with their wives.

I wasn't mad nor jealous that he was cheating on me. I just couldn't stand another women stepping on my honor like that.

I'm laying flat on the bed with tears gushing from my eyes while I blankly stare at the perfectly painted white ceiling.



I can't believe she just left like that. I don't understand where this sudden jealousy came from. Just because we slept together once doesn't mean I have any feeling towards her. The only thing of hers that I care about is her pussy. Brianna came with me from the office to pick up something she forgot in the house and honestly I wasn't a married man yet so I wouldn't have minded a quicky. My dick needs the attention since meeting Bella haven't been able to fuck anyone else.

I'm not a cheater, because I don't do fucking relationships. Brianna was suppose to come take what she left and leave nothing else. Bella over reacted and I didn't like her being so controlling, now I don't know where my fucking wife to be is.

After 2 hours of me thinking of places she could go in New York I decided calling Leo and asking him was my only option.

I called him and he told me he drove her to my parents house after calling me a bastard in Italian and English for the way I was talking to her.

It wasn't my fault my wife to be was an outspoken, spoiled, unreasonable and uncontrollable little princess that needs to be in control 90% of the time, and I don't like not being in control. I have a feeling me and her are gonna be explosive as fuck.

I was debating going to my future wife and retrieving her but Leo convinced me not to.

I was now laying in bed staring at my very high ceiling and thinking about how I'm supposed to be loyal to a women I don't care for, and how fearless and unbreakable this women is.

I will be the one to break you Bella Andrea Ramiro.

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