Chapter 2: Asshole

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Atlas basically continued watching me pack when I was done he got up and took my bags downstairs I stayed in my room. I wanted to soak in all the memories because I have a feeling I won't be back for a very long time. This room was my childhood, this whole house was. I've never been away from home longer than a few weeks on vacation or the occasional missions my father gives me.

I'm standing with my back facing the open door and I can hear his steps and his breathing and I can also feel his eyes staring at my back, but for some reason I don't decide to turn around just yet. I wait patiently for him speak even if it's just a word I want to hear his voice it's soothing maybe it'll calm my nerves down or help with how anxious I'm feeling right now. That was definitely the anxious side of me talking.

And suddenly all I can hear is the small white clock on the wall
One tick
Two tick
Three tick

"Hey are you ready to go our private jet is ready" he says coldly as he starts taking small steps to me I don't know what's wrong with me I want to turn around but I don't,  he continues to walk over to me while I'm just standing there.
One step
Two step
Three step

I feel his warm hand on my shoulder and I felt like collapsing "hey you good?" he questions me as if he's known me for more than a few hours. How does he know this isn't normal for me, that I don't usually act like this?

"Yea I'm just fine" I manage to speak out

"Okay" he says with his hand still on my shoulder almost making sure I don't collapse

I want him to stop touching me, this feels weird I don't like this feeling it's all to weird to me so I decide to turn around now, his hand then drops to his side.

"And yea I'm ready we can leave right now" I tell him because I feel the sooner I get out of here the easier really leaving Italy will be.

I grab my purse and phone and he grabs the last suitcase in the room then we head downstairs for the last time.

We go to the living room where everyone is waiting for us. As we enter I look at my mom and she has tears in her eyes. She understands how hard this is for me, how hard this is for all of us.

She looks me in the eye with hope, I'm pretty sure she's asking if I'm going to be okay alone. So I simply just give her a reassuring nod. I place my bad and phone on the coffee table and walk over and hug her.

I can feel her tears on the side of my face. I'm trying not to break down. I'm a trained assassin for gods I can handle a few months away from home. My mom lets go and that's when I feel as if I can breathe anymore, like my lungs have been pulled out. I take deep breaths and then she speaks.

"I love you mia bella don't ever forget that"

"I love you too, of course I'll never forget that Mamma please give Donte a kiss for me and tell him I love him"

I go over to my father and hug him, and he slowly hugs me back I'm used to his late response because being a mafia boss you need to not show weakness, but he knows me, Donte and my mom are his weaknesses.

"I'm doing this for you my love" he says to me

"Yes, I understand that papa"

"I love you mi amore"

"anch'io" I say back with a sad smile
Translation: me too

It's breaking my heart that I won't have a chance to say goodbye to Donte because he's at school, but what breaks my heart even more is that he may think I left him just like Callisto left us.

Destined -Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz