Chapter 18: love or lust?

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It's been a week since Santiago threatened me and Bella and I have made it my number one priority to make sure she is as safe as possible. I have been trying to do most of my mafia work from home so she can be in my presence as much as possible. I don't know when he plans to try and attack again but he seemed very determined to obtain possession of my wife and I am very determined that he does not. 

Me and Bella have been spending almost every waking moment together and I'm not complaining. I love her presence, her scent, her humor, her attitude she's just perfect in every way possible. Is it possible for a person to fall in love with someone in 4 months? I don't know honestly, but I could be an exception. I love everything about her, she makes me the happiest I've ever been in this fucked up world. She is my breath of relief when I'm having a stressful day. She is so god damn cute and sexy at the same time anyone couldn't help but be attracted to her. I understand why Santiago wants her but she is something he will never have I'll make sure of it. 

Bella has become the focus of my existence, it's like an obsession that I can't get rid of or want to get rid of. I'm always worried about what she's doing, where she is, if she's eaten or if she's asleep. I honestly think I'm more afraid of losing her then she is of being kidnapped because she walks around with no care in the world. It's not like there's a crazy mob boss after her or anything. I like her fearlessness  it gives me a sense of pride knowing my partner is such a strong woman. 

I was currently making dinner while she's in the living room binge watching this show she's been obsessed with. She's so obsessed she went and ordered the books its called "The Summer I Turned Pretty" or something like that. I call her to come to the kitchen for dinner and she basically sprints here mumbling about how hungry she is. She thanks me for the food before devouring every last bite of it. 

 "what do you wanna do now I'm bored" she says pouting. I smirk "I have something in mind that'll probably keep us busy for a few hours". She smiles innocently and gets off the island stool "care to share your ideas with me?" she asks with a knowing tone. "come upstairs with me and I'll show you" I say getting up and grabbing her hand leading her outside of the kitchen. She follows along while I lead her into our bedroom. I turn to shut the door and when I turn bad she practically jumps me. 

Every time our lips meet it feels like a million fire works exploding into the sky and I still haven't gotten used to the feeling. One thing led to another and now we were in our underwear. I'm kissing every inch of her beautiful body it's like it was sculpted to perfection. I didn't do this right the first time so now I'm making up for it. I make sure I don't miss a spot kissing and caressing every inch of her body making sure she knows how much I appreciate it. Her moans fill the room indicating that she is enjoying every second of this. 

After removing our last few barriers the next thing she says takes me by surprise. "Make love to me Atlas". I didn't need to say anything after that because I knew, I knew she felt the same way I feel about her and this is her way of telling me. I knew she isn't this vulnerable with anyone she doesn't trust. Does she love me? could I be loved by her? is this what love feels like? Is she falling in love with me? I had all these questions spiraling inside my head but I knew the only thing I can do right now Is give her what she asked for because that's what I want too. 

We don't break eye contact as I slowly ease my way into her. We both gasp at the contact and I kiss her neck sweetly making sure she knows how much I appreciate her body. I whisper sweet nothings into her ear as I continue to ease in and out of her slowly. her sweet moans eco in the room and make me want to go faster, harder show her who this pussy belongs to, but I don't I hold back and do what she wants, what she needs me to do. That's rare because I hardly do what anyone wants.

As we were both approaching our release and we were both moaning messes I said something that took the both of us by shock "god I love you so much Bella". She let out an audible gasp and then her body started shaking in climax. I let me seed out inside her filling her up without thinking "god you feel so fucking good amore" I grunt. She moans out as she feels me fill her up and we both come down from our highs slowly. 

"That was fucking amazing" she states. I smile and kiss her temple. Realization takes up her expression "you said you loved me" she says her face in complete shock. I smile again because I realize that I meant every word that came out of my mouth "I did" I simply state as if it was the most normal thing in the world.  "why" confusion takes up her gorgeous face. I sigh not knowing how to answer her question "because that's what I was feeling towards you so I decided to express it out loud". I wasn't expecting her to say it back what so ever that why when she did say it back I couldn't believe my ears "what?" I question making sure I heard her right. "I said I love you idiot" she giggles. 

After that we went 3 more rounds this time she let me fuck her as fast and as hard as I wanted to. She fell asleep in my arms right after I got her cleaned up. I'm not supposed to love anyone. I'm supposed to be ruthless and unmerciful and have a stone cold heart, but who knew this girl could thaw the ice surrounding my heart. I was always taught that love is a weakness but I see it as strength. I see it as more of a reason to do my best to protect her. 

people say I'm a power hungry monster, that is not far from the truth but when I'm with her all my walls fall down as if they get hit by a huge bulldozer. I wish she really knew the huge affect she has on me. I wish she knew how now I can't sleep when she's not near. I wish she knew that she consumes my thoughts day and night. I wish she knew that she was my main focus for the past 4 months. 

After about 30 minutes I feel her shift then I hear "I'm scared Atlas" breaking me out of my trans. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion "scared of what mi amore?". She sighs "I'm scared of him and of what he can do, the Russians want me dead but he wants me alive and that scares me even more". I sigh because I understand her worries "I won't let him have you Bella not when you're mine mi amore". 

She scoffs lightly "Santiago always gets what he wants Atlas and right now he's fixated on me". I sigh "something you don't know about me is that I always keep what's mine and you are mine now so I'm keeping you no matter what the fuck Santiago wants or thinks, you are my wife Bella". 

"I'm yours

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