chapter 11: fun day out

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E/c = eye color
H/c= hair color
H/l= hair length
F/c= favorite color

Jinx pov

I look into her eyes and they are so pretty I've never seen them this close before her e/c eyes are enchanting. I realize I must just be starting at her and quickly pull away. I don't want to seem as flustered as I am I want to keep a cool demener but I see that she is quite red. "Whats wrong you look red are you feeling sick" I say teasing her she doesn't say anything just blankly looks at me "what cat got your tongue?" She finally speaks up "n-no you were just really close to me inwas just surprised thats all" she looks like she's lying but I wont say anything "hm ok if you say so" we go back to eating and finish our food. "Where to next blue?" I think for a second and have the perfect idea "I have something in mind~"

Y/n pov

"I have something in mind~" im confused on what she means by that but before I can say anything she grasped my hand and started running somewhere. I have to run to keep up with her and she is fast. We quickly run past people as the move out of the way probably scared of jinx I've noticed that a bit. She turns this fast corner in a alley. "Here we are toots" I look around "I don't get it it just looks like an alley" she smiles and moved a big rock revealing a hole in the ground with a black duffle bag full of spray paint

"Tada!" "Wow impressive are.we gonna-" she cuts me off "yes we gotta leave our tag mark here obviously and don't worry we won't get in trouble" she gives me a wink and reaches in for a blue can very similar to her hair color. And starts to write out in big letters the word jinx and adds little monkey doodles with all sorts of colors.
She tosses me a can "come on what are you wanting for?" I smile and walk over to the wall and start to write y/n on it in my favorite color, f/c. I add little stars around it because there my favorite shape and I add some x eyed smiley faces. Me and jinx both stand back taking in our work that took awhile. "Wow she's a beaut" I look towards her and laugh "what?" "You have paint on your shirt and pants doofus" she looks down at her clothes than back up at me "well so do you loser" I look at my clothes and see the paint "well this was your idea" she smiles and "yea, yea, yea"

she laughs and looks up in the sky. "The sun is about to set let's go watch it together I have the perfect spot"

She grabbed my arm and started skipping i kept up with her till we reached this building and she started climbing up this ladder "come on slow poke!" She called almost halfway up. I started to climb up right behind her and as we reached the top she was already sitting on the. The sun was setting it was beautiful words could not describe this warm feeling I felt in the moment and I know it wasn't just from the sun shining on me. Jinxed yawned and rested her head on ny shoulder "ya know your not so bad to he around toots. In fact you quite fun glad you ran away and I found ya" I smiled and ny eye got watery just from her words. "Thank you jinx, I like being around you too" we finished watching the sun set and as the moon was rising we started our way back to her place.

**Time skip**

Me and jinx got on out pajamas and were getting ready for bed "hey y/n I know you usually sleep on the couch but you know I actually have a bed that I don't use often and its actually quite big if I don't know maybe say we can share it of you want? I mean you don't have to I know the couch isn't the most comfortable thing to sleep on so I just wanted to let you know. You know what thats dumb forget I even asked never mind im sorry" jinx looks away embarrassed "no no id love to sleep on the bed my back kinda hurts anyways I think its a great suggestion blue" jinx snapped her head over to me "really you don't think its a bad idea or anything? I don't want to seem like I'm forcing you" "no I want to sleep on the bed" I made my way over and flopped on the bed and patted the spot next to me "come on j!" I said enthusiastically "nothing wrong with 2 friends sharing a bed right?" Jinx hummed in response and came and layed done and pulled the covers over us "thank you jinx." Jinxed looked over at me. "For what?" "For everything." With that we fell asleep and went to bed.

Note: I know this is a short bad chapter but I don't have much motivation rn but I do know where the story is going just give me some time thank you and i will try to have chapter 12 published soon and soon jinx and y/n will figure out their feelings for each other so stay tuned for that and sorry its taken me a long time to make this chapter I have a lot on my plate right now take care all
- <3

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