26. Never Have Enough Garlic Bread

Start from the beginning

"You, ok?" Bio mom asked with her brows scrunched together in concern.

"Hmh yah I just can't find my card; do you have yours Angy?"

We were finally at our last store of the day- Chanel and amen to that. Reese had dragged us to every high-end store up and down the strip. She was getting a little irritated that we wouldn't let her pay but we've been buying our own stuff for years.

It's not changing now.

Looking up from her phone Angy nodded and dipped her hand into her purse. After a few minutes of looking she gave me a perplexed look, "well I thought I did."

"It's ok it's my treat," Bio mom smiled while plopping her black card down.

Normally I would argue with her especially because the total here is equivalent to all the other store totals from today combined.

But I have more pressing issues to figure out like where the fuck is my black card. "I'm going to call Mommy A and tell her to put a freeze onto her cards." I muttered while taking my phone out.

"Oh no need," bio mom innocently shrugged while handing both of us our bank cards and credit cards. While the cashier was sliding Reese's card through the machine, obvious to the conversation happening right in front of her.

I haven't been pickpocketed in like eight years! Staring at her with a dumbfounded look, bio mom looked between the both of us before busting out laughing.

"Look, you two are strong independent women, and I absolutely love that." She started while walking out of the store, as we followed like good little ducklings.

I guess the bodyguards are taking our bags.

Turning around her amused face was iced with some sadness, "but I missed out on your childhoods. So please let me do a few things like buy you clothes even though you have enough and can afford them yourselves"

"Ok," Angy said, causing bio mom's whole face to light up like she was a Christmas tree, "ok good so let's meet the boys at the food court?" She chirped while placing herself in the middle of us and hooking her arms through her.

I'm not big on physical touch, but I'm not going to lie to her, and Lele's touch honestly feels like home, and just makes me feel safe.

Walking to the food court it's not hard to miss our family as Zach, and bio dad are standing by their table towering over everyone near them. Once they spotted us, they still waved us over as if we could miss them the big ass trees that they are.

"We got Chinese food, but we weren't sure what you wanted so we got a little bit of everything," Lele sheepishly said while scratching the back of his neck.

They had pretty much every dish from the Chinese spot, which I guess is nice? But they could have just waited for us, and we could have ordered our own food.

But what do I know?

"This all perfect! Next time just some lo mein and orange chicken will do." I concluded while sitting in the seat across from Lele.

"Lo mein, orange chicken got it," bio dad said more to himself while sliding out the chair at the head of the table for bio mom. Once in her seat he gave her a quick kiss on the top of her head, before sitting down next to her.

Digging into the food in front of me I continue to sneak glances as bio dad plates some rice for her.

They're cute. I'm not going to lie.

It's crazy to think they've been together for like 3 decades and they're still happily in love and are continuously doing cutesy things for each other.

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